  • 期刊


Survey and Evaluation of Therapeutic Toothpastes and Mouthrinses in Periodontics



市面上號稱對牙周病有療效的保健產品琳琅滿目,不但可能誤導消費者,也常造成患者與牙醫師選用時的疑慮。本調查的目的在蒐集並評估常見零售之牙周病牙膏與漱口水,以提供牙醫專業與消費者參考。牙膏產品共採樣38種,漱口水樣本共25種。產品主要來自北市超市,藥局及臨近大賣場。評估項目包括產品保存期限,製造地、警語,主要成份、價格及廣告療效。結果牙膏的主要成份包括研磨劑、保濕劑、芳香劑、防腐劑、甜味劑與治療劑:triclosan、chlorhexidine、氟化物、potassium nitrate。漱口水主要藥效成份為chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium, essential oils, phenolic compounds。宣傳的療效多為維持口氣清新、預防蛀牙、減輕冷熱敏感、控制牙菌斑與牙結石、防治牙齦炎、牙周病專用、抗牙周病、甚至標榜有治療牙周炎之神效。只有10%的牙膏與16%以上的漱口水未誇大療效。產品價格差異很大,尤其廣告有治療牙周病療效的牙膏與漱口水價格較一般產品貴許多。而市面上有標明保存期限的牙膏僅有71%,有標示警語的僅21%,內外包裝均有警語的占26%,另有少數產品標示竟以中文或英文以外的文字出示。牙周病漱口水不合商品標示法的狀況亦十分普遍。35%的漱口水於歐州製造,32%警語標示不清。此外,台灣牙膏與漱口水產品原產地幾乎遍佈全球,各國對療效的評估與要求標準皆有不同。由於目前仍無預防或治療牙周炎的牙膏與漱口水,因此國內相關產品的誇大不實及標示不明,可能誤導患者而延誤病情,影響消費者權益。如何教育民眾正確治療牙周病的常識,並建立評估牙周病治療用牙膏與漱口水的標準應是政府與牙醫學界的當務之急。


牙周病 牙膏 漱口水 評估


Numerous oral health products in the market claimed and exaggerated therapeutic effects on periodontal diseases. The purpose of the present survey was to collect and evaluate the therapeutic toothpastes and mouthrinses in periodontics. Thirty-eight toothpastes and 25 mouthrinses were collected from supermarkets and drugstores surrounding Taipei area. The safety, efficacy, composition, advertising, labeling, cost, and manufacturer of the prods were evaluated. Results indicated that therapeutic agents of most toothpastes were chlorhexidine, tricolsan, fluoride and potassium nitrate. Many toothpastes and mouthrinses claimed therapeutic effects on gingivitis, plaque or calculus reduction, dentinal hypersensitivity, and even periodontitis. There was great variation in the price of the market products. Toothpastes or mouthrinses which claimed therapeutic effects were usually more expensive. Less than 20% of the products did not exaggerate their therapeutic effects. Only 17% toothpastes had warning label and 71% listed shelf life. Only 26% has both inner and outer warning labels and up to 12% of the labeling used foreign languages. The mislabeling of therapeutic mouthrinses was also very common. 35% of the manufacturers were from Europe and 32% of the warning labels were unclear or not present. The majority of the active ingredients of mouthrinses were chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium, essential oils, and phenolic compounds. The labeling for efficacy of the mouthrinses varied from treating malodor to periodontitis. In addition, the manufacturers of Taiwan’s toothpastes and mouthrinses were from all over the world. The safety and efficacy of the products may have not been evaluated and should be standardized. According to the most current literatures, there are no oral health products that may prevent or treat periodnotitis. The exaggerated labeling on the prevention or treatment of periodontitis should be corrected in order not to mislead the consumers. It is important for the government and dental organization to set up the guidelines and regulation for oral chemotherapeutic products in Taiwan and educate consumers the correct knowledge in periodontal disease prevention and therapy.


periodontal diseases toothpastes mouthrinses survey
