  • 期刊


The Relationship of IL-1 Gene Polymorphism and Periodontal Disease: Literatures Review



牙周病是一種常見的疾病。一般認為它是一種多因性疾病(multifactorial diseases)。雖然在目前的牙周病研究中,可確知牙周病主要是由特定的細菌所引起之疾病,但其臨床表現仍受還境因素(environmental factors)、後天性疾病因素(acquired diseases)及宿主反應(host response)等多重因素所影響。由雙胞胎的研究得知牙周病臨床表現的差異性和基因有明顯的關連。而Kornman提出IL-1基因型和牙周病嚴重度的關聯性,為牙周病和基因之間的關連找出了可能的特定基因指標(genetic markers),隨後關於這方面的研究如雨後春筍般的出現。然至今的研究結果顯示IL-l基因變異在牙周疾病發展中的角色大多仍模糊不清。本文的目的在將近年來有關IL-1基因變異和牙周病關係的研究,做一整理,俾使臨床牙周病醫師了解基因在牙周病中扮演的角色及目前研究的狀況。


基因變異 牙周病


Periodontitis is initiated by some specific bacteria that produce a series of inflammatory and immunologic changes leading to destruction of periodontal tissue. Periodontal disease is a multifactorial disease. The extend and severity of periodontal lesions can be influenced by environment factors, acquired diseases, and host response. Recently, studies show that host response plays an important role to the development of periodontal disease. The role of host response in the etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal disease is still not clear. Some investigations show that polymorphism plays a role in the pathogenic mechanism of periodontal disease. To date, some genotypes that probably affect periodontitis had been mentioned in the literature, for example, IL-l, TNF, etc. The aim of this article is to summarize these papers about the relationship of IL- I gene polymorphism and periodontal disease, including prevalence, clinical parameters…, etc. for understanding the role of IL-I genotype in periodontal disease and the current concepts.
