  • 期刊


Case Report and Literature Review of the Periodontal Full Treatment


本篇是一個廣泛性中度及局部性重度慢性牙周炎的病患接受牙周整體治療合併上顎前牙區做美觀處理的病例報告,患者治療前在口內有1-15毫米的牙周探測深度,齒槽骨高度剩下0%到90%,上顎前牙區有眞牙邊緣牙齦退縮及缺牙區牙(山脊)萎縮。經過牙周基本治療及手術治療,包括翻瓣刮除術、引導組織再生術、牙根覆蓋手術、牙(山脊)增進術等,一年後全口的牙周探測深度99.3%均在3毫米以內,牙周探測出血指數由原先31%降至0%,並且82.7%有附連獲得,由口內放射線檢查發現#2 #17 #25 #27 #33 #35 #36 #37 #38 #4l #44 #45 #46 #47有骨充塡。#11 #23牙齦退縮經採取上皮下的結締組織移植術,裸露的牙根得到百分之百的覆蓋。同時,#21缺牙區以牙(山脊)增進術,增寬原先萎縮的牙(山脊)。病患術後牙周狀況穩定,並且改善上顎前牙區美觀。


Periodontal therapy has been directed primarily at the control of inflammation progress. Recently periodontal treatment is increasingly directed at esthetic outcomes for patients. This is a case report of a patient with chronic periodontitis receiving conventional periodontal treatment and, plastic surgery over maxillary anterior area. Initiately, patient had probing depth ranged from 1 to 15 mm and the remainy bone height ranged from 0% to 90%. There were marginal tissue recession at tooth #11 #23 and the ridge resorption over tooth #21 was shown. Periodontal surgeries including flap surgery, guided tissue regeneration, root coverage and ridge augmentation were performed. One-year postoperative evaluation revealed, 99.3% of full mouth probing depth was reduced within 3 mm, periodontal bleeding index decreased from 31% to 0% and 87.7% of the probing sites had clinical attachment gain. Intraoral radiographic examination showed prominent bone fill at the intrabony defect of tooth #12, #17, #25, #27, #33, #35, #36, #37, #38, #41, #44, #45, #46 and #47. The denuded root of tooth #11 and #23 gained complete root coverage after subepithelial connective tissue grafting procedure. In addition, the edentulous ridge of #21 area was augmented following interpositional grafting procedure. The periodontal condition was stable and the esthetics around the upper anterior area was improved after the overall treatment.


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  • 林宏達、陳玄祐、楊岳炤(2008)。牙周病整體治療病例報告臺灣牙周病醫學會雜誌13(2),108-126。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=10279962-200806-13-2-108-126-a
  • 黃薇蓁、楊岳炤、陳錦松(2005)。牙周病整體治療病例報告中華民國牙周病醫學會雜誌10(1),1-17。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=10279962-200503-10-1-1-17-a
  • 郭乃嘉、林怡君、陳恆理、陳柏堅、賴玉玲(2011)。Periodontal Full Treatment Case Report and Literature Review臺灣牙周病醫學會雜誌16(1),1-17。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=10279962-201103-201108250009-201108250009-1-17
  • 李寧芝、林怡君、洪善鈴、陳恆理、賴玉玲(2012)。Periodontal Full Treatment Case Report and Literature Review臺灣牙周病醫學會雜誌17(1),25-43。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=10279962-201230-201206180002-201206180002-25-43