  • 期刊

牙周病與Toll-like receptor的交互作用-可能在粥狀動脈硬化中所扮演的角色

Interactions of Periodontitis with Toll-like Receptors: Possible Role in Atherosclerosis


許多流行病學的統計指出,罹患牙周疾病的病人較一般更容易得到粥狀動脈硬化或是粥狀動脈硬化的程度較一般人嚴重。兩種疾病都是屬於慢性發炎的疾病,但是致病因子確有極大的差異,而且兩者病灶的位置也有一定程度的差距。現在對粥狀動脈硬化的研究多半著眼於ox-LDL的病灶的影響,牙周疾病則是將重點擺在致病菌的研究。其實這一些研究都有提到一個非常重要的東西,那就是Toll-like receptor(TLR)。TLR是一種細胞表面的受體,目前已經知道具有功能的TLR有10種。在牙周疾病和粥狀動脈硬化的研究報告中,我們可以發現很多關於活化TLR而引發發炎反應的報告。本篇報告就是要將參與兩種疾病,並且引發後續發炎反應的TLR做一個比較和連結,希望可以藉此釐清牙周疾病與粥狀動脈硬化的關聯性。


Many studies have shown that patients with periodontitis have higher risk to atherosclerosis. These two diseases are both chronic inflammatory diseases but the etiologic factors of these two diseases are extremely different. Researches of atherosclerosis are focused on the effect of the ox-LDL to the disease site; however researches of periodontitis are focused on the pathogenesis of bacteria. In fact, there are cross talk of these two disease based on Toll-like receptor TLR. TLR functions as an important signal transducers which mediates innate immune and inflammatory responses to pathogens through pattern recognition of virulence molecules. In atherosclerotic lesions, endothelial cells and macrophages have been shown to upregulate TLR expression and may respond to TLR agonists of microbial origin, resulting in detrimental inflammatory reactions. In periodontitis, the virulence factor of /P.gingivalis/such as Lipopolysaccrides (LPS) and fimbriae bind to the TLR and activate the inflammatory responses. This literature reviews the link between atherosclerosis and periodontitis through TLR activation.


Toll-like receptor Atherosclerosis
