  • 期刊


Apical Surgery Combined with Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft in Apical Mucosal Fenestration Occurred after Apical Surgery: A Case Report


牙根尖黏膜穿孔(apical mucosal fenestration)是指牙根和口腔環境相通的情況,在臨床上並不常見,通常是牙根感染所造成的結果;而因爲根尖手術(apical surgery)後所産生之牙根尖黏膜穿孔則非常罕見。本病例患者在診所接受上顎六颗前牙的根尖手術,術後四個月原患處仍有疼痛现象,門診檢查顯示左上顎侧門齒唇侧黏膜有軟組織穿孔,牙根及根尖逆充填之材料裸露在口腔環境中;經過根管重新治療,再施行根尖手術,合併上顎皮下結締組織移植物(subepithelial connective tissue graft)修補唇侧根尖黏膜穿孔;病人的症状在術後獲得改善,經追蹤一年並無不適,放射線檢查顯示根尖組織已經愈合,根尖唇側黏膜愈合良好。


Apical mucosal fenestration resulted in exposure of the root tip to the oral environment is an unusual finding. This article is to present a case that a maxillary left lateral incisor had an apical mucosal fenestration for four months after receiving apical surgery in a local dental clinic. Retrograde filling and apical resected surface were exposed to oral environment. After root canal retreatment, thorough apical curettage and replacement of amalgam retrograde filling with MTA were done during the second apical surgery, followed by the subepithelial connective tissue graft to repair the labial mucosal fenestration. At one-year recall, the apical area of the maxillary left lateral incisor was covered with intact mucosal tissue and the radiographs revealed no apical radiolucency.
