  • 期刊


Relationship of Serum Glycated Hemoglobin with Treatment of Periodontitis with Glucose Control in Type 2 Diabetes Patients


糖尿病和牙周病之間的關係是“雙向的”。彼此之間存在的是疾病產生的相關性、發炎之間的相關性,未良好控制任何一方都可能造成對方的惡化。良好的血糖控制的確對牙周病治療結果有所幫助。然而局部性牙周病治療對於全身性血糖控制是否有幫助?仍有待進一步探討。一位52歲女性因罹患慢性牙周病及第二型糖尿病,造成全口牙周破壞嚴重、有自然性牙齦出血及化膿等現象。在治療牙周病的過程中,建議患者在每次進行牙周病治療前都必先含漱7.5%優碘至少兩分鐘,再行侵入性治療。於每次治療過程結束後採用0.12% chlohexidine(CHX)做牙齦溝內的沖洗,這些動作都是爲了預防感染率高的高血糖患者,防止菌血症等不良副作用產生,並在開始進行治療時,即要求病患每天服用抗生素Doxycycline 100mg持續兩周。測量治療前後臨床參數值包括:牙周囊袋探測深度、臨床附連度、牙菌斑、牙齦出血,最重要的是糖化血色素(HbA1c)改變量,結果發現在臨床檢測上(糖化血色素、囊袋探測深度等)的部分有很大的進步。牙周病治療可以改善口腔發炎的情況,當發炎改善後似乎對於其糖化血色素的改善也有關連。從系統性疾病血糖控制的角度來看,局部性口腔牙周病的問題也是不容忽視的。


Periodontal disease is a common infection-induced inflammatory disease among individuals suffering from diabetes mellitus. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of periodontal treatment on the level of metabolic control of Type Ⅱ diabetes. A 52 year-old female suffering from periodontal disease and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Periodontal treatment included ultrasonic scaling and root planning combined with the following antimicrobial regimens: topical 0.12% chlorhexidine (CHX) for irrigation and systemic Doxycycline 100 mg for 2 weeks starting from the first day of periodontal treatment and 75% povidone-iodine rinsing for at least 2 minutes before each periodontal therapy. Reducing the incidence and magnitude of bacteraemia and eliminates viridans streptococci from such bacteraemia. Assessments were performed before and after treatment and included probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), Plaque Index (PI), and determination of serum glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). After treatment it showed clinical improvement. Effective treatment of periodontal infection and glucose control is associated with the reduction of periodontal inflammation and of the level of glycated hemoglobin. Control of periodontal infections should thus be an important part of the overall management of diabetes mellitus patients.
