  • 期刊


The Community Periodontal Disease and Challenge in Taiwan


臺灣在2007~2008以國際常用之社群牙周與附連喪失指數(CPI and LA)指數調查18歲以上成年人之牙周病情況。發現99%有不等程度之牙周病,54%有牙周囊袋。而且牙周囊袋之罹患率隨年齡而增加,從18~24歲之22%,35~44歲之53%,到65~74歲已達73%。但只有29%之民眾認為自己有牙周病,不到10%的人有每天正確使用牙線;雖然絕大多數人每天刷牙。幾乎2,300萬人都需要潔牙教育,但牙醫師分身乏術,目前國內又沒有口腔衛生師之制度,衛教人力嚴重缺乏。另外,全民健保對囊袋之治療卻只能提供有需求者之11%。臺灣牙周病防治之供需失調,會隨人口老化而持續擴大,但目前未見政府、牙醫界與學界對這方面有具體之策略,民眾只有自求多福。


Taiwan carried out a national periodontal survey among adults aged 18 years or older covering the years 2007 and 2008. The results showed that 99% of the adults had periodontal disease to some extent with 54% having periodontal pockets. The prevalence of pocketing was found to increase with age, being 22% in the 18~24 years age group, 53% in 35~44 years old age group and 73% in 65~74 years old age group. Notwithstanding the high prevalence of periodontal diseases, only 29% of adults were aware of periodontal disease, with less than 10% having a proper habit of flossing; in contrast, almost all adults brushed daily. Nearly all 23 million people need oral hygiene instruction, but dentists are generally too busy to teach in this area and Taiwan has no dental hygienists. In addition, Taiwan's National Health Insurance system is only able to provide 11% of the demand in terms of periodontal pocket treatment. The gap between the demand and the provision with respect to the control of periodontal disease is likely to continue to worsen. Nevertheless, no solid strategy has been put in place to address this issue by the government, dental professionals and academic institutes.
