  • 期刊

A Study of the Awareness and Attitude of Implant Patients towards Dental Implants: A Case Study of Kaohsiung City



The aim of this cross-sectional survey was to understand the awareness and attitude of implant patients and the associated influencing factors. A total of 166 implant patients (78 men and 88 women, average age 52.1 ± 12.35 years) participated in this structured questionnaire survey. The content includes demographic data, health status and oral health care behavior, experience with dental implants and sources of information, and awareness of and attitude towards dental implants. STATA 11.2 statistical software was used to conduct the t-test, analysis of variance, multiple linear regression and correlation analysis. The results indicate that the degree of subjects' awareness of implants was significantly associated (p < 0.05) with their oral health condition, habits of periodic office visits, and aesthetic satisfaction with implants. The attitude of subjects towards dental implants was significantly correlated with family members' and friends' satisfaction with their implants (p < 0.05). Awareness of implants and attitude towards implants is not relevant (r = 0.0857, p = 0.272). The main sources of information about dental implants for subjects are dentists (81.93%) and the media (42.77%). Our study also found that awareness of contraindications for dental implants among the subjects is scarce. Dentists are recommended to provide patients and media with accurate information on dental implants, so as to improve awareness of and attitude towards implants among patients.


目的:瞭解植牙患者對於植牙的認知、態度及其影響因素。材料與方法:本研究屬於橫斷面研究,共收集166位植牙患者(男性78位,女性88位,平均年齡52.1 ± 12.4歲)接受結構式問卷調查。問卷內容包含基本人口學、口腔狀況及照護行為、植牙經驗及資訊來源、植牙認知及態度,使用STATA 11.2統計軟體進行t檢定,變異數分析,多變項線性迴歸及相關性分析之檢測。結果:研究發現,受試者若口腔健康狀況較佳、有定期回診習慣以及對植牙美觀較為滿意,則其認知程度顯著較高(p < 0.05);若受試者親友的植牙經驗較為滿意,則受試者本身對於植牙的態度亦較為正向(p < 0.05)。研究中亦發現受試者對於植牙禁忌症的認知不足,主要資訊來源為牙醫師(81.9%)及媒體(42.8%)。植牙認知及植牙態度之間並無顯著的線性關係及相關性(r = 0.0857, p = 0.272)。結論:植牙認知部分,建議牙醫師提供正確植牙資訊給患者及媒體、加強植牙禁忌症衛教、提升患者口腔健康狀況及定期回診習慣。植牙態度部分,建議強化醫病溝通,詳細的術前解說,傳播良好口碑及評價,以提升患者對於植牙之信心及植牙意願。


人工植牙 認知 態度 知識 病患觀點
