  • 期刊


Trans-border Capitals in Global Economy: The Production Networks of Electronic Industry in Taiwan




The research object of the paper is the trans-border investment of the electronic industries from Taiwan to China in the 1990s. In order to clarify the economic structure and dynamics of Taiwan, the patterns and trends of the trans-boder investment are articulated with the concept of international production networks in the global economy. After examing the overall Taiwanese trans-border investment by its timing, geographical distribution and industry categories, we choose electronic and electronic appliances, the top industry, as the major target of analysis. Contrasted with the notion of national economy, the author points out the trans-border Taiwanese capitals in China indeed the extension of the trans-border production networks in global economy. The international production networks is the core concept underlying the argument. Based on this, the subtle relationships and interactive networks of Silicon Valley-Taiwan-China hidden by the trans-border Taiwanese entrepreneurs are analysed by two integrated lines: the internationalization of production and the transformation of international trade. The former is the reciprocal regional development between Silicon Valley and Hsinchu, a significant process of the technological and business networks. The selective globalization of information technology is the key pattern expressed by electronics industries of Taiwan. The latter is that Asian Pacific trade has been integrated as apart of global economy, which formulated a multi-networked structure of trade pattern. The competitive advantage of Taiwanese business depends on multiple and interactive production networks with strong learning capacities. Thus, from a global perspective, the network relationship helps structure a global mapping, according to which, the U. S. is the core, Taiwan is one of the manufacturing nodes in the global economy as Taiwan, and China is the potential autonomy of a big market. The paper concludes that, as a virtual bridge in global networks, Taiwan will be increasingly integrated with China in the trends of economic dynamics.


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