  • 期刊


Attaching to Adat: Mirroring Traits in the Formal Development of the Southeast Asian Islamic Architecture as Observed Through the Case Investigation on Acheh Street Mosque and Kapitan Kling Mosque in




Comparing to the long history since Islam was first transmitted into the area, the town of Penang, established only after 1786, would not seemed to be the best telling source of the full story regarding the development of the Southeast Asian Islamic architecture. Yet so closely located to each other in this town, there are two mosques both came to existence in around 1800's, the ctitical moment of the area's religious history, that they can be the cases of the most representational, though perhaps not immediately descriptive of them per se, of the religious space production by the peoples who had been major actors in the history of Southeast Asia. In the context of this work, the problematic of adapt vis-à-vis Islam, in terms of representational space, will be particularly explored.


凌宗魁(2010)。分析世界近代建築 重新定義「裝飾藝術」〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.02639
