  • 學位論文

分析世界近代建築 重新定義「裝飾藝術」

Analysing Modern Architecture in the World Redefining "Art déco"

指導教授 : 劉可強
共同指導教授 : 黃俊銘(Chun-Ming Huang)


本文為一建築歷史評論。現今臺灣建築史研究對象分工日趨細密,但誠如霍布斯邦(Eric John Ernest Hobsbawm)所言,所有的劃分都具有政治目的(Hobsbawm,2002),聚焦單一議題或放大研究範圍會對歷史產生不同的認識。本研究採取沃爾夫(Eric R. Wolf)的觀點,認為世界是一個群體,而非許多獨立文化體系的總合(Wolf, 2003)。故研究方法以現有的各項研究成果為基礎,進行多面向的比較觀察與詮釋,包括各家對於建築本身的評論,以及建築以外,但有助於理解時代背景的各種資料,期能更貼近事件本質。 混沌理論(Chaos theory)產生後,線性歷史進程的思考模式被打破,如氣候變遷即為無法預料的衝擊,但確實會改寫歷史走向。解讀歷史的人能做的只是資料回溯並給予解釋,並不能預知未來;歷史的轉折總是出現在史家的意料之外。從建築發展的角度來看,現代主義風格與形式的產生與迅速普及即為不可預期,雖然後世可以從種種跡象如材料技術的發展、社會需求等支持條件稱其為水到渠成,但也有可能不會發生。「裝飾藝術」風格(Art Deco)就是另一條可能的道 路選擇。雖然歷史沒有如果,但是在三零年代裝飾藝術沒落,現代主義取得主流位置數十年之後的今日,符合多元文化需求的裝飾藝術風格再於世界各地死灰復燃,箇中因素令人玩味。是故歷史無絕對因果,本研究重點即為找出影響裝飾藝術成因的各種可能性,並從本質解釋該風格衰敗又復生的潛力。 回頭審視當初因現代主義的強勢和政治正確而消失的裝飾藝術,諸多生成背景其實近似於現代主義:(1)反對因襲的歷史折衷語彙直接沿用。(2)工業革命後,材料與技術的演進所促成的風格改變。(3)借由博覽會人們對美好生活的想像而發揚。也有許多不同之處:(1)帶有具文化意涵的符號性裝飾。(2)對空間只有氛圍塑造沒有格局改革。(3)現代主義去地域化,追求國際普同,裝飾藝術恰好相反。回顧裝飾藝術諸多歷史成因,則會發現其中還藏有更多意涵,值得今人重新探索。 「空間」的理解是二十世紀建築史的敘事重點。在西方建築漫長的發展歷史中,形式與風格的爭論已使人厭倦。現代主義解放了空間的自由,也使建築的表情無聊,於是有了後現代虛無的反動,但其去脈絡的符碼擷取卻又難以為繼。時至今日,現代主義已然失去早年的社會主義理想,其純粹形式成為富人彰顯品味的象徵,落入精神虛無的精緻細節追逐。其對空間本身的改革理想也喪失,淪為房地產包裝商品的話術,1972 年Pruitt Igoe 國宅的摧毀,除了象徵現代主義的形式死亡,實則進入失去社會改革理想的另一個輪迴。在此同時,最初應運資本主義而生,商業性格濃厚的裝飾藝術,反而因為其易學易懂的各種豐富的風格特質,有機會成為普羅大眾重塑兼具美學品味與文化意涵的精神救贖。


This paper is an architectural history commentary. Nowadays, the division ofresearch categories in Taiwanese architectural history has become increasingly specialized. However, all kinds of division have their political purposes (Hobsbawm, 2002). Focusing on one single issue or expanding the research scope will create different understanding toward history. This paper adopts Eric R. Wolf's view that treats the world as a group rather than a combination of independent cultural systems (Wolf, 2003). As a result, building upon existing research achievements, this paper compares and combines archives not only from architectural scholars’ writings, but also bringing into their respective social context, expecting for a more accurate reinterpretation. Chaos Theory has made linear mode of progression cease to be effective. Unexpected impacts, such as climate change, have truly influenced and even redirected history. What historians can do is to sort the archives and manage to provide a reasonable explanation but not to forecast the future. The turning points in history always turn up at the moment out of historians' expectation. Judging from the aspect of architectural development, the emergence and subsequent prevalence of Modern style was unforeseen. Historians may assume it as a matter of time and attribute the cause to social demand and revolutionary use of new material, though it may not have taken place either. "Art Deco" is an alternative. Although there is no option for history, however, after its declination in 1930s, Art Deco has retrieved popularity nowadays, which situation is worthy of our attention. There is no certain causality in history, hence to explore possible causes of Art Deco and the potential that prompted its revival is the main purpose of this paper. If we review Art Deco, which was once overwhelmed by Modernism, we will find them shared similar breeding ground. First of all, neither Art Deco nor Modernism approved of imitating historic style. Secondly, new materials and advanced technologies accompanied industrial revolution encouraged the style to change. And the last, they were both enhanced by the fair that exhibited wonderful living. Nevertheless, there still are differences. First of all, Art Deco is rich in culturally symbolic decoration. Secondly, Art Deco creates the ambiance without altering the layout. And the last, Modernism aims at delocalization and internationalism, which stance is opposite to Art Deco. Retracing the causes of Art Deco, we will discover more hidden meaning worth further investigation. Understanding "space" is the key to twentieth-century architectural history. Going through the long history of western architecture, people have been tired of debating on style. Modernism liberated the space while the expression was dulled at the same time. It was superseded by Post-Modernism consequently. Nevertheless, the de-contextualized bricolage of symbols lacked the competence of continuing. Today, Modernism has lost its socialism ideal and trapped in soulless details. Its formalism merely serves to show the "taste" of the rich. Without the spatial reform ideal, it cannot but become the magic wrapping material for the real estate. Pruitt Igoe buildings were dynamited in 1972, which signaled not only the death of Modernism but also entering another cycle of social reform ideal disillusion. At this moment in time, Art Deco, which originally came with the tide of Capitalism, relatively gets its opportunity to be the savior for popular aesthetics and cultural meanings due to its easy-imitating nature.




