  • 期刊


Home Parenteral Nutrition Services: 20 Years' Experience in a Medical Center




Since Feb. 1986 we have provided Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN) for 123 cases. We would like to share our experiences to promote healthcare quality and patient safety. Our NST (Nutrition Support Team) reviewed patients’ medical records retrospectively and compared our results with those published in the literature. During the first period (1986-1990) we provided HPN service to eight patients (three adults, five children). The indication of HPN was for GI disease except one girl suffering from retroperitonealtumor. Among our five pediatric patients, only one girl received long term HPN and advanced to take food orally, one girl expired and the others lacked follow-up. Those adult patients expired due to old age and the underlying diseases. There were five adults and 18 children in the second period (1991-1997) and 61 adults and 31 children in the third period (1998-2006). Forty-five patients (18 adults, 27 children) progressed to enteral feeding and unfortunately 63 patients (47 adults, 16 children) expired. We have reviewed and evaluated these HPN cases to detect elevated SGOT (67%), SGPT (87%), and ALP (40%) after long-term HPN. The nosocomial catheter infection rate was 40%, and the incidence of cholestasis was 20%. However, most cases received appropriate HPN formulae to maintain normal serum level of sugar, BUN, sodium, potassium, and calcium. Eighty seven percent maintained normal serum hloride, phosphorus, and magnesium while 73% maintained normal serum ABL and TG. In comparison with results published by foreign HPN services, our incidence of complication was relatively higher. Our hospital has provided HPN services for more than 20 years. The limitation of our study was incomplete data tracking. Our next step will be to interface our HPN database with a hospital computer system. Results will be downloaded automatically via HIS (Health Information System of our hospital). As a result we can collect perspective data and eliminate redundancy of manual transcription.


