  • 期刊


The Shape of Aviation Psychology in Taiwan: A Review of Articles Published in Journal of Aviation Medicine and Science during the Last Two Decades


早在第一次世界大戰心理學家參與德國航空人員之甄選,即開啟了航空心理學實務應用與研究需求。近代航空心理學則主由Fitts(1945)所領導,從事人員失誤研究,而積極促進民航及軍方研究交流,則始於Jensen(1981)舉辦每兩年一次之國際航空心理學研討會。該會在第五次研討會中(1989)決定發行國際航空心理學刊(IJAP),並於1991年正式創刊,提供人因工程、電腦、心理、教育和生理各領域在航空相關研究應用之交流機會,至今已十六載。O'Hare, D.隨即發表兩篇研究,分析前十年IJAP研究成果之內涵,以描繪當代航空心理學之面貌與需求。 相對地,國內航空心理學之重要期刊則以中華民國航空醫學會創刊於1987年之航空醫學會刊為首,其後更名為航空醫學暨科學期刊,從創刊至今恰逢二十載。本研究即以此會刊二十年來之內容進行探討,特別針對航空心理相關之論文進行分析,以描繪國內航空心理學之面貌,據而研擬未來相關研究之議題與方向,期有助國內航空心理學之發展。


Psychologists have been involved in German aviator selection ever since the beginning of the World War I. Thereafter the need of aviation psychologists' expertise and development of aviation psychology also took place in United States, Italy, United Kingdom, and France. The prelude of modern aviation psychology was started by P. Fitts whose works were primarily on human errors, whereas bi-annual International Symposium on Aviation Psychology organized by R. Jensen in 1981 substantially facilitated the exchange of information between civil and military researchers. After the 5(superscript th) symposium held in 1989, it was decided to launch a new Journal, The International Journal of Aviation Psychology (IJAP). The first issue of the Journal was published in 1991. In years of 2000 and 2003, D. O'Hare examined the articles published in IJAP for the first decade and summarized that training, workload, displays, automation, and selection were among the most frequently reported topics in the Journal, that is, the profile of research issues in modern aviation psychology. To date, one of the representative journal pertaining to Aviation Psychology in local area is The Journal of Aviation Medicine and Science ROC (JAMS). It has been 20 years since its first issue was released in 1987. By adopting O'Hare's approach, the current study was undertaken to study the most concerned issues in Taiwan aviation psychology school. All the articles with an aviation psychology-related title, abstract and/or text content published by JAMS in the past two decades, a total of 74 articles, were used for analysis. These results are anticipated to provide an updated constellation of indigenous study topics in aviation psychology and to shed lights on further developing aviation psychology studies in the future.


aviation psychology flight safety ergonomics


