  • 期刊


Prevalence Rate of Various Food Allergens and Its Corresponding Age Distribution


本研究期望了解各項食物過敏原,比例以及年齡分佈。採用個案對照組的研究,收集近三年來在花蓮門諾醫院,抽血檢驗特異性免疫球蛋白E(specific IgE)濃度結果,並且對年齡關係,加以統計分析,統計學上設定α=0.05,power為90%。結果發現對蝦子、螃蟹、牛奶、蛋白過敏的人數比例約18%左右;對小麥、花生、酵母、大豆、蛋黃過敏的人數比例則約在3-7%範圍,而對魚、芒果、橙過敏的人數比例則低於2%。年齡有意義差別的項目,包括牛奶、蛋黃、蛋白、螃蟹、及蝦子,其中牛奶、蛋黃、蛋白過敏者皆好發於幼兒,而螃蟹、蝦子過敏者之年齡分佈較廣,然其個案年齡中位數,螃蟹過敏者為16歲,蝦子過敏者為14歲,異於年幼過敏者。


Food allergy is common and needs special care for food preparation. In order to know the type distribution of food allergens and the age distribution, we collect all the data of blood test for food allergen in Mennonite Christian Hospital from January 1,2005, to April 11,2008. The blood concentration of specific IgE is determined by ImmunoCap method. We define 0.35 KU/L as cutting level for determining food allergy. The result shows that about 18% of people are allergic to shrimp, crab, milk, ovalbumin; 3-7% of people are allergic to wheat, peanut, yeast, soy bean, yolk; and less than 2% of people are allergic to fish, mango, orange. People who are allergic to milk, yolk, ovalbumin, crab or shrimp had significantly different age distribution (p<0.05), comparing with people who are not. Allergy to milk, yolk, and ovalbumin occurs in children. The median age was 16 years old in crab allergy and 14 years old in shrimp allergy.


food allergy specific IgE Immunoglobulin E age
