  • 期刊


Climate Change and Health Promotion


氣候變遷是21世紀全球健康的最大威脅,如熱浪及寒流之衝擊、水災及風暴之傷亡,蟲媒傳染病等都會直接或間接增加死亡、疾病和傷害。氣候變化對衛生部門是一個重大的挑戰-包括急性醫療和公共衛生體系。發展適應策略對評估脆弱性和公共衛生體系應對能力是非常重要的!本文探討氣候變遷對公共衛生體系的衝擊,並說明健康促進如何可協助社區對氣候變遷的適應並保護弱勢群體。本文首先概述現有的全球衛生問題如全球化、城市化、工業化、傳染病蔓延、以及災害挑戰等已經使公共衛生系統資源緊縮,如何因氣候變遷的負面影響而受到更大的威脅。第二部分則說明評估脆弱性、風險以發展適應計劃的關鍵概念、方法和步驟。第三部分則提供健康城市和健康社區的範例,以及以澳洲Griffith University(格里菲斯大學)為基地的全球聯盟如何努力因應氣候變遷的挑戰。本文最後討論將健康促進的目標、原則和策略融入因應氣候變遷的解決方案,透過健康城市和健康社區的改造,採用環境友善政策和方針以推動可持續發展的未來。


Increasing global concern for climate change and adverse health impacts heightened the need for public health responses and adaptive strategies to reduce health risks. Health systems, individuals and local communities worldwide are facing with pressing issues from the increasing threat of vector borne diseases and disasters from more frequent and intense extreme weather events. Though these phenomena affect the population in general, their negative health consequences are unevenly felt, with vulnerable communities being impacted more severely. Thus, there is a need for a comprehensive understanding of climate change and health vulnerability, and a commitment to prioritize public health objectives to serve the most vulnerable populations. Developing adaptive measures to manage emergencies, reduce risks and protect and promote the health of vulnerable populations from the adverse effects of climate change have emerged as priority concerns. Responding to health risks of climate change requires knowledge relating to the science of climate change, concepts such as 'vulnerability' and 'adaptive capacity', relevant assessment tools and adaptation strategy options. This paper discuss climate change impacts on health and the public health system coping capacity and explain how health promotion can contribute to adaptation to climate change by communities and protect vulnerable populations. It will first overview how climate change adverse impacts increase the threats to the health systems already stretching their resource to cope with existing challenges from globalization, urbanization, industrialization, infectious diseases spread, and disasters. Second section will explain key concepts and methodological steps from assessing vulnerability, risks, to developing adaptive plans. Third section will provide examples from healthy cities and communities, and a global consortium based at Griffith University on their efforts to respond to climate change. Finally, it will discuss how goals, principles and strategies of health promotion are well suited to be part of the climate change response solution, contributing to the transformation of cities and communities to adapt environmental friendly policies and actions toward a sustainable future.



