  • 期刊


The Pitfalls of Academic Publishing: Predatory Journals


網際網路無遠弗屆,給現代人帶來前所未有的便利,對於學術界而言,電子期刊、電子資料庫令研究過程更輕鬆和有效,自1990 年代開始,學術文章開始興起「開放近用」的模式,近年掠奪型出版社及詐騙集團看準此作者付費出版模式的商機,針對學術研究族群,透過濫發電子郵件,以快速審查及刊登的承諾,誘騙受害者,這些違悖學術倫理的出版社一般缺乏專業編審團隊,亦不設同儕審查制度,濫收文章,唯利是圖其唯一目的。本文從「開放近用」期刊的興起,到近年掠奪型期刊的氾濫,乃至虛假期刊的出現,提出如何辨識問題期刊,並思考如何在制度面上遏止劣質期刊文章的氾濫,期望醫護人員在選擇期刊投稿時,必須了解研究發表的倫理守則,謹慎行事,以免墮入不法分子的圈套。不慎投稿掠奪型期刊可能招致金錢和時間的損失,甚至毀損個人學術名聲,因此,有必要正視掠奪型期刊的嚴重性,以免影響醫護學術研究的進展,間接威脅民眾的健康。


The borderless coverage of the Internet has brought about unprecedented convenience to modern people. Regarding the academia, electronic journals and electronic database have made the research process easier and more effective. Since the 1990s, there has been a rising popularity in scholarly articles that were based on the open access model. In recent years, predatory publishers and scam gangs have begun to exploit the profit-making opportunities associated with the author-pays-for-publication model. They often solicit their victims in academic and research groups with spam email and entice potential authors with the promise of rapid review and acceptance for publication. These unethical publishers generally lack professional editorial boards and peer-review system, with only a sole purpose of accepting as many publications as possible to maximize their profits. In this article, we described open access journals, predatory journals, and fake journals to explain how to identify problematic journals. Moreover, we put forward how to prevent the flooding of inferior articles through the use of administrative measures. When health care professionals choosing a journal for publication, they must be aware of the ethics of publishing and proceed with due caution so as to avoid falling prey into the trap of criminals. Inadvertently submitted to a problematic journal will lead to not only a loss of money and time, but can also damage one's academic reputation. Therefore, it is important to take the issue of predatory journals seriously to avoid hindering the advancement of medical research and indirectly, threatening the health of the public.


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