

中山醫學大學醫學系在醫學系五年級同學實施「臨床問題導向學習課程」,將140位同學隨機分派為18小組,在半學期內探討3個教案,於期中考週再次隨機重新編組後,於下半學期再探討3個教案,並於期末考週發下不記名自填評量表繳回。評量內容包括對自身在此課程之表現,小組老師表現及對本課程之滿意情形,盼做為日後精進本課程之依據。140位同學中共回收132份(94.5%)有效問卷。同學對自身在本課程表現之評價方面;若輪到自己報告時,超過3/4的同學會看完指定參考書及期刊,且超過八成的同學表示不會因小組同學或老師對自己報告有所質疑而生氣,但僅約三成的同學自認自己在報告時能表達清楚。同學平均用在每一教案的時間為7.99± 4.92小時。同學對小組老師之整體評價頗高,平均值為8.24±1.20分(以0-10分為範圍),但僅有64.1%的同學同意老師有提供足夠的資訊與資料搜尋方面之指導。學生對本課程之總體評價平均值為7.11±1.29分(以0-10分為範圍),超過3/4同學對修習本課程覺得獲益良多表示非常同意或同意。學生自覺收穫最多的是分析表達,自主學習及臨床問題解決能力,但認為本課程有待改進的前三者是課程配套措施不足,教案還要精進及不要中途換組。另分析性統計顯示學生對課程整體滿意度評分與學生自身在本課程之整體表現與對小組老師之整體表現有關。


Coupled with the reform of medical education at the School of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, an innovative clinical course using problembased learning was given to fifth-year medical students in 2003. A total of 140 medical students were randomly assigned to 18 small groups with first-time tutors of diverse backgrounds from the clinical faculty. Each small group ran about six learning cases in one semester after 3 large group sessions. A self-administered anymonous questionnaire was delivered to students at the end of the semester, asking about the students’ evaluation of self-performance and their satisfaction with the tutors as well as the course in general. One hundred and thirty two students completed the questionnaire, a response rate of 94.5 %. On average, students spent 7.99±4.92 hours on preparing for each case study, and more than three-quarters of the students did go through the assigned textbooks and journal articles in preparation for their own presentations, but only about 30 % of the students thought that they had made themselves clear and done well at their presentations. Students gave a high rating of 8.24±1.20 on a 0-10 scores basis for the tutors’ performance, in general. But only 64.0% of students fully agreed or agreed that the tutors had provided students with adequate information on literature searching and data collection. A majority of the students (77.5%) felt that they had learned a considerable amount of information from this innovated course. Students’ satisfaction, in general, with the course was associated with the student’s self-performance on the course as well as the tutor’s performance in general. We concluded that a clinical course using problem-based learning is feasible and was welcomed by medical students, but a professional development program for tutors is essential.


clinical problem-based learning evaluation




