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Counseling for Young Doctors: Differences in the Perception and Attitude of Counselors Before and after a Training Course




Counseling for young doctors is an important task and it is a vital part of the support provided to help personal development and problem solving among this group. To date, however, there has been no research reports in Taiwan about counseling and related topics directed at doctors in their postgraduate medical year (PGY). This study aimed to evaluate the perception of counselors, in terms of knowledge and attitude towards counseling of PGY trainees, before and after a training course. Altogether, forty seven counselors (senior doctors), who took part in a specific training course, were surveyed with the same questionnaire before and after training, in order to assess their goals, attitudes, skills and experiences with respect to counseling. After the training, the counselors were positive towards the course and said that they had benefited from the training in terms of their role and attitude as future counselors; they believed that they would now have a better attitude and understanding towards the problems of the trainees. There was no significant breakthrough in terms of their counseling skills competency when the situations before and after training were compared. This study suggested that skills training and practice are essential and should be integrated into any future counseling training program.


counselor postgraduate medical year PGY counseling skills


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