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Special Report on a Faculty Development Workshop on Clinical Communication




Effective clinical communication skills are able to enhance the quality of physician-patient communication, clarify patients' problems, and facilitate diagnostic accuracy. In addition, effective clinical communication skills help patients follow the doctor's advice, which positively impacts on both physicians and patients. Teaching and assessment of communication skills must be consistent. Interpersonal relationship and communication skills should be considered simultaneously and should especially focus on the physician-patient relationship, on the patient' perspectives, and on relationship-centered care. Evaluation of the relationship between physicians, patients and colleagues should also be emphasized. The Reflective Feedback model for teaching such skills can be divided into several steps: ”establishing a rapport with the learner”, ”ask about the individual's learning goals as part of observation”, ”inviting the learner to share their reflections on the 'why' insights”, ”sharing your reflections with the learner”, ”checking for understanding”, and ”making a follow-up plan”. Using open-ended questions, the students will be inspired to think about the whole process of interviews, which will result in the learned experiences being internalized and then applied to different situations. Recently, the integration of teaching, assessment and curriculum development means that clinical communication skills have begun to play an even more important role in medical education. Medical institutions in the West have begun to actively collect evidence to confirm their teaching outcomes. By reporting on this workshop, we hope topics related to clinical communication skills may attract more attention in Taiwan and this will help to improve teaching and research in related areas.


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