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The Exploration of Teaching Hospital Accreditation and Accreditation of Medical School: Clinical Medical Education


Among the factors causing the five major scarcity phenomenon of hospital doctors in Taiwan, the unendurable pestering process of hospital accreditation could be the influential key element leading to a long work hour and continuous deterioration of medical ecosystem. This impacts on physician manpower and also on the nurse scarcity. If an inappropriate accreditation process leads to the debilitating of both medical and teaching staff groups, the goal of raising the quality of patient care and student education could be unachievable. In order for making the accreditation mechanism to be more comprehensive and smooth, and for decreasing the burden of both medical and teaching staffs’, interview for exploring the cognition and feeling towards accreditation process, review of the accreditation process of teaching hospital and medical school, and proposal for improvement or solution of accreditation processes have been made in this study; a qualitative research design is also adopted. The subject of interview includes college of medical school, physicians in charge of accreditation, administrative staffs, and joint commissioners of Taiwan Medical accreditation committees. Accreditation mechanisms and their blind spots are examined. The study finding indicates that the significant issue for the accreditation of these two systems is not only about the duplication and integration of accreditation criterions, but also more on the structural level. Solution and treatment of these issues is not just on the integration of hospital and school; other implicated factors such as the perception and position of social atmosphere, macro-environment influence, government officials are also of concern.


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