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Personality Characteristics of Juvenile Sexual Offenders and Rearing Style of Their Parents in Taiwan



目的:本研究目的在比較青少年性侵害犯與無犯罪史青少年間其人格特質和雙親教養態度是否有所差異。方法:研究組招募個案包括76位在監服刑的青少年性侵害犯,皆為男性。對照組為50位年齡相配的在學學生。所有個案接受艾氏人格量表及雙親教養態度量表評估,及各項犯案背景資料收集。結果:研究結果顯示在人格量表方面青少年性侵害犯比一般青少年有較高的神經質(p < 0001),達統計,意義;在雙親教養態度量表上也顯示青少年性侵害犯父母親關懷方面明顯低於一般青少年級(p < 0.01, P < 0.001),達統計意義;另外也發現,青少年性侵害犯在香菸、酒精及非法藥物的使用上高於一般青少年組(p < 0.001, p < 0.00及p<0.00),達統計意義;香菸使用、父親教育程度及父母婚姻狀態是危險因子。結論:本研究結論顯示青少年性侵犯在許多家庭結構與人格特質上與一般青少年有明顯差異,可作為日後研究與處遇方面之參考。


Objectives: The objective of this study was to explore risk factors of personal characteristics, parental rearing attitude, and other variables among juvenile sexual offenders (JSOs). Method: We compared the personality characteristics of 76 JSOs and their parents' child-rearing style to 50 juveniles of nonoffenders. We administered the Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (JEPQ) and the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) to all, and their demographic data were collected. Results: The results showed that offenders have a higher level of neuroticism personality characteristics than the nonoffender juveniles (ρ< 0.001). In terms of the parents' child-rearing style, the JSOs had a lower level of paternal care (ρ< 0.01) and maternal care (ρ< 0.001) than the comparison group. All substance use, including tobacco, alcohol and illegal drug, offenders have a higher abuse than the nonoffender juveniles (ρ< 0.001, p < 0.001, ρ< 0.001). The parsimonious regression model shows three risk factors related JSOs: tobacco use, father's education level, and parental marital status. Conclusion: The profile of the JSOs would help identify and assess JSOs during intervention. Our study showed that many significant characteristics were different with juveniles of non-offenders. We have found some different characteristics among sexual offenders, but further explanatory studies are needed to explore their relationship of casualty with sexual offending behavior to confirm whether these characteristics can be helpful in designing treatment programs for juvenile sexual offenders.


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