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The Effects of Methylphenidate on the Go/NoGo Performance in Children with Attention-Defi cit/Hyperactivity Disorder



Objective: In this study, we intended to investigate the effect of methylphenidate on the behavioral performance in a Go/NoGo task in children with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder. Methods: We assessed 16 children with ADHD and 18 healthy controls aged 8 to 12 years. Participants received two separate task sessions, about one month apart. ADHD children were free of medication in the first session and took the regular dosage in the second session, while untreated controls received the identical task in both sessions. We collected and analyzed behavioral data (rates of correct Go trials, reaction times to Go trials, and rates of correct NoGo trials). Results: ADHD children had significantly higher rates of correct Go trials on medication than off medication (p < 0.05). The Go reaction times showed no significant difference with a medium effect size of 0.47 between sessions. We found that the rate of correct NoGo trials was not significantly increased from Session 1 to Session 2 in the ADHD group. Conclusion: The current findings suggest that methylphenidate is effective for enhancing behavioral performance in a Go/NoGo task. Future studies with a larger sample size are warranted.


目的:探討Methylphenidate 對於注意力不足過動症孩童在Go/NoGo 作業上的行為表現之效果。方法:我們量測了16 位過動兒及18 位健康兒童,其年齡介於8 至12 歲之間。受試者完成兩次作業測試,間隔約一個月。過動組分別在未服用藥物及服用藥物的狀況下完成第一及第二次測試。控制組則重複接受相同的作業測試。我們收集並分析行為資料(Go 刺激的正確率,Go 刺激的反應時間,NoGo 刺激的正確率)。結果:相較於未服用藥物的狀況下,過動兒在服用藥物後顯著地有較高的Go 刺激正確率 (p < 0.05)。Go 刺激的反應時間於兩次測試之間未達顯著差異,但有中度的效果值 (d = 0.47)。至於NoGo 刺激的正確率,微小但尚未達顯著的差異存在過動組的兩次測試間。結論:結果顯示Methylphenidate 有助於提升在Go/NoGo 作業上的行為表現。未來有較大樣本人數的研究是需要的。


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