  • 期刊


The Correlates of Service Quality in the Elderly Residential Agencies



本文主要目的係探討老人對機構服務品質之認知、社會工作專業化與福利服務品質間關係及影響服務品質因素。以問卷調查方式進行資料蒐集,共計回收有效問卷626份,其中工作人員問卷161份、老人465份,統計分析以雙變項分析與迥歸分析為主。研究主題包含老人機構服務現況、老人個人特質、機構特性以及社工人員專業化程度如何影響老人機構服務差距與服務品質。 研究結果所獲致初步結論有下列七項:(一)受訪老人目前在機構所接受的服務品質不如預期。(二)受訪機構工作人員在認知差距、標準差距、服務傳遞差距及溝通差距均存在顯著差異。(三)社會工作人員人數愈多、社工人員數佔所有老人比例愈高的老人機構中,老人所感受的服務品質愈高。(四)公立機構、安養機構、立案年資較久、服務規模較大以及舉辦專業方案數較少的機構所服務的老人感受的服務品質較差。(五)社會工作人員專業才能愈高、社工人員專業承諾愈高且舉辦專業性方案活動愈多的老人機構中,機構對老人期望的知覺與老人期望知覺間的認知差距愈小。(六)機構中社會工作人員年資愈高,機構對老人期望的知覺與機構將知覺轉變為服務規格的差距愈小。(七)機構中社會工作人員佔所有工作人員比例愈高,實際服務的傳遞與服務規格間的差距愈小。本文最後並針對研究發現提出社會工作實務及未來研究方面的建議。


This study aimed at understanding the status of service quality in elderly residential agencies, as well as examining the correlates of service quality. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaire form 161 workers and 465 elders in the agencies. Statistical procedure used in this study included descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. The differences between expected service and perceived were significant, which means the services received were not as good as what were expected. 2. There were significant differences between consumer expectation and management perception; and the management perception scores were higher than consumer expectation scores. 3. There were significant differences between management perception and service quality specification; service quality specifications and service delivery; service delivery and external communications. 4. The bivariate analyses found the following: Ⅰ. The number of social worker, the ratio of social worker to elders, the years of elderly agency, the quality of provided service and the quantity of professional programs were significant correlates of service quality. Ⅱ. The social work competence and the social work commitment were significant correlates of perception gap. 5. The independent variables explained 5.6% of the variance in the service quality. The number of social worker and the quality of professional programs were significant correlates of service quality. Base on these findings, this study proposed some recommendations for the elderly residential agencies to promote the service quality.


elderly agency service quality


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