  • 期刊


Discover the shaping of dynamic capabilities of new venture: Framing strategy perspective


當資源有限的新創事業想改變現有不合理的制度,期以創立新型態的商業模式與產業環境時,如何因應所處的制度壓力,於動態環境中建構獨特能力,改變劣勢?「動態能力」(Dynamic capabilities)主張觀察創業者及高階經理人如何以個人的特質、能力與背景來探知、取得與轉化資源,以獲取創業或創新機會;「制度理論」(Institutional theory)則是觀察制度如何形塑創業者的機會與行動,然而此二理論均難以解釋上述問題。為解決此理論缺口,本研究以「iHealth政昇處方宅配藥局」(以下簡稱「iHealth」)藥師送藥到宅及機構評鑑服務的創新模式為例,採質性研究方法訪談該企業相關人員,以「賦名策略」(Framing Strategy)觀點來分析新創企業如何於制度制約與資源限制下,開創出醫療產業服務創新革命,將一般資源轉化、演化與深化成獨特的「動態能力」過程,取得營運正當性,最後形成新的獨占利基市場。在理論意涵中,本研究解讀賦名策略之意義與策略意涵,討論其與動態能力之關係,並提出賦名的流程架構,主張賦名是一種動態能力,也引導建立動態能力,延伸動態能力形塑環境的理論意涵;另也為新創事業與社會企業提出實務上突破制約之建議。我們主張,新創事業要能成功地推動創新,賦名策略與動態能力需能相互配合,隨勢造勢,以闢出獨特的成長新徑。


When start-ups with limited resources to build novel business models to change the exist unreasonable institution and create new industrial environment, how do they address the institutional press they confront, and build unique capabilities in the dynamic environment to change the inferiority simultaneously? Dynamic capabilities theory observes how do entrepreneurs and top-managers probe, access and transfer resources by their personal characteristics, abilities and backgrounds to acquire the opportunities of starting an enterprise or innovation, while Institutional theory observes how do institutions create the opportunities and actions of entrepreneurs. However, both theories are hard to be sued in elucidating the above question effectively. Hereby, to fill the theoretical gap, this research exemplify "iHealth Express Group" (hereafter "iHealth") which develop new business model to deliver medicines to the places where patients assigned and nursing agencies appraise services by pharmacists, and we adopt qualitative method to interview the CEO, COO, pharmacists and market personnel of iHealth. We use the "framing strategy" lens which with unique frames, create publicity and social meaning construction to analyze the process of how start-up transfer, evolve and deepen the general resources to unique dynamic capabilities so as to acquire the legitimacy, gain the trust of stakeholders and transfer competition to cooperation, eventually, iHealth form new niche monopolistic market and create new service innovation of medical industry although they are in the restrict institution and limited resources in the beginning. In the theoretical dimension, this research explained the meaning and strategic implication of framing strategy, and discus the relationship of framing strategy and dynamic capability, propose a process framework of framing and argue that framing is a kind of dynamic capability, hence, we extend the theory of dynamic capability by shaping environment. In practice, we suggest firms, start-ups and innovators use these principles of strategy to enforce their dynamic capabilities and breakthrough the restrict institutions where they live in. Finally, we propose that start-up entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs should adopt strategies and build dynamic capabilities appropriately at the same time so that the new venture could develop innovation successfully. Furthermore, create the situation with situation, and leverage framing strategy to fit dynamic capability for initiate new prospect, thus, entrepreneurs can open unique and new growth path.


