  • 期刊


The Systematic Barriers of Academia-Industry Technology Transfer in the Taiwanese Biotechnology Industry




Many biotechnology firms heavily rely on external technology and knowledge from academia to improve the internal R&D capabilities. However, the intermediaries would encounter barriers in the process of technology transfer. Literature shows that the government policies and regulations highly influence the process of technology transfer. Policies and regulations influence the characteristics of technology, the resources, and management strategies of intermediaries, and indirectly influence the performance of technology transfer. Thus, the first priority of enhancing technology transfer should be overcoming the barriers of policies and regulations. This study bases on previous literature that focuses on the interdependent structure of the factors influencing technology transfer. This study interviewed the managers and directors in the TTOs of universities and research institutes, which were awarded Taipei Biotech Award. The results show that the major barriers of policies and regulations of technology transfer from academia are relevant to: (1) technology investments and the taxes; (2) international technology transfer; (3) complex procedures and paper work of technology transfer; (4) patents abandonment; (5) the quality of technology and patents. For overcoming the barriers, this paper provide three policy suggestions,, including simplifying the procedures, allocating the limited resource more proficiently, and enhance the competiveness of innovation quality of universities and RIs. The suggestions for improving the implementation of technology transfer includes: (1) clarifying the regulations relevant to technology investment; (2) deregulation to encourage international technology transfer; (3) enhance governmental support of training and recruiting professionals, or establishing external specialized organization; (4) improving regulations and procedures of technology transfer; (5) improving research quality. By overcoming the obstacles of policies and regulations, the intermediaries could more effectively use the human resources and financial resources. The competiveness of the R&D outcomes and the performance of technology transfer from academia could also be enhanced.


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