  • 期刊


The Development and Challenges of University Spin-off in Taiwan: Reflections and Expectations of Science & Technology Basic Law




In recent years, the development of industry-university cooperation has gradually attracted more attention of all countries. Many experts and scholars think that it is one of the most critical factors affecting national industrial competitiveness. Through the interaction of industry and university, the research results of the university can be transferred to the industry or derive a new enterprise. However, to establish start up is more challenging. In addition to the frontier technology and professional management team, the economic environment, national systems, infrastructures and related regulations and policies also affect the creation and development of the university spin offs. Taiwan government also attaches great importance to academica entrepreneurship. Since 1999, through the Science & Technology Basic Law, the intellectual property rights of government research and development projects have been transferred to various implementing agencies to promote the commercialization of research and development results from public oragnizations. However, compared with countries in Europe and the United States, a lot of hard work can be improved in related infrastructure, systems, regulations and policies in Taiwan. This study uses qualitative research method for comprehensive understanding of the university's institutional, environmental, regulatory, and policy factors in the development of university spin offs. The purpose of the study is to explore the influence of Science & Technology Basic Law for academic entrepreneurship and to present both theoretical and practical contributions.


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