  • 期刊

Exploring Loyalty of Laptop in Taiwan from a View of Information Disclosure and Switching Cost



This article aims to discuss the factors impacting on laptop brand loyalty. The seven factors are proposed from literature review as the basis of research model using Structural Equation Model (SEM) to investigate brand loyalty factors through the example of laptop. The outcomes have shown: 1) Information Disclosure has a directly positive impact on brand loyalty, and also has an indirectly positive influence on brand loyalty through Brand Image; 2) Switching Cost has a positive effect on band loyalty, 3) Brand Image has a positive impact on brand loyalty. Laptop manufacturers are suggested to convert their expertise and knowledge into a positive image of their business. The consumers would have more awareness in relation to their products, and increase brand loyalty through various media channels. Brand positioning needs careful strategic planning to maintain the brand competitiveness in the market. The laptop firms also can understand consumer's product demand to improve the trust from consumers. It can reduce psychological unease even when consumers purchase the defect product.


本研究主要探討影響消費者對於筆記型電腦品牌忠誠度之因素,根據國內外影響品牌忠誠度之相關文獻,提出七個因素做為研究模型。經由線性結構方程模式(Structural Equation Model, SEM)探討這些因素對於筆記型電腦品牌忠誠度的影響。研究顯示:(1)資訊揭露對品牌忠誠度有直接正向影響,亦透過品牌形象對品牌忠誠度產生正向影響;(2)轉換成本對品牌忠誠度有正向影響;(3)品牌形象對品牌忠誠度有正向影響。筆記型電腦廠商應將其所具備之專業能力與知識轉換成為其企業的正面形象,讓消費者瞭解到他們所購買的產品為該企業所提供之產品,並且透過報章雜誌的宣傳對消費者做產品的宣導以此來提高消費者的品牌忠誠度;品牌定位必須要有慎密的策略規劃,才能提升或維持品牌在市場上的競爭力;筆記型電腦廠商可透過顧客回應,瞭解消費者的需求並改進產品,增進廠商與消費者之間的信任,即使消費者購買的產品有瑕疵時,品牌信任可降低消費者心理的不安。


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