  • 期刊


Yin Wenzi's Practical Thinking of Signs


本文旨在以皮爾士(Charles Sanders Pence,1839-1914)記號學(Semiotics)方法來探討尹文子的「形名」概念,企圖從中理解中國文學史中的類記號概念。為達上述目的,本文透由「文獻探討法」針對尹文子的「形名」概念加以探討,以確切掌握其要義與內涵。其次,根據皮爾士「記號學方法」,針對「名」的表義原理分就「名的結構」、「名的功能」兩面向分析。接著,再透由皮爾士的「實用主義」(Pragmatism)理論探討尹文子的「形名」概念中「形」與「名」的關係。研究結果摘述如下:尹文子的形名概念在某個層面上確實符合皮爾士的記號學與實用主義中的原則。首先,尹文子形名論中之「名」符合了皮爾士的記號三元結構概念。其次,尹文子也認為,名稱是傳達交流的工具,此一論述也符合記號的功能。尹文子指出,人們之所以藉由名稱來稱謂世上各式各樣的事物,主要的作用之一是人們可以藉由它作交流或傳遞。另外,尹文子主張,一個名稱是否能正確的指謂其對象,或正確的指謂事實是必須受到「檢視」的,這一論述正也符合了皮爾士「實用主義」的觀點。接著,尹文子主張,名稱及其所指謂的對象是否相符合,主要取決於人們「風俗習慣」,此一說法也符應了皮爾士的實用主義觀點,因為皮爾士主張,要確定一個知性概念的意義,首先要確定這個知性概念所引起的「習慣」。總的來說,經本文對尹文子形名問題作記號學式的探索後,原則上應可初步證實尹文子的形名思想具有記號原理與實用主義的成份,若能將其概念應用在設計相關研究上,或許可開拓傳统記號理論在設計領域應用的一個新面向。


尹文子 形名 記號學 實用主義


The purpose of this study is to introduce Peircean(Charles Sanders Peirce, 1839-1914) Semiotics terms and ideas of signs in relation to Yi Wenzi's Theory of Form and Term from the in an attempt to help people in the design field to understand the development of signs in Chinese traditional culture. In order to achieve the purpose stated, Document Method was applied to analyze and conclude the main points from the Yi Wenzi’s Theory of Form and Term. In addition, Peircean Semiotics and Pragmatism method was applied to find the principles of expressing meanings from the Term. The history, the structures, the functions and the characteristics of the Term were main contents analyzed in this study. The results of this study show the meanings of the Term might be learned as a name of a thing. Besides, in Peircean Semiotics term, the Term from the Yi Wenzi's Theory have the genuine triadic relation: the Term as a Sign; the entity as an object; the meaning as an interpretation. Next, Yi Wenzi's Theory of Term stands two functions in identifications and communications. Further, for Yi Wenzi's Theory, the Form and Term are a convention in relation that similar to the symbol sign from Peircean Sign Typology. Specially, for Yi Wenzi there are a potential practical characteristic between the Term and the Meaning that also similar to Peircean Pragmatism. Finally, the Theory Form and Term really stand for something in some respect, therefore, the Theory of Form and Term might be called signs in the view of Semiotics. These points above that might be new and helpful in explaining how to work by applying the ideas and theories outlined for people in the field of Art and Design.



