  • 期刊


An Action Study in Creativity Course of Early Children base on Participatory Art and Marine Debris




參與式藝術 永續 幼兒教育


There are few practical teaching research cases in the implementation of marine education in kindergarten students. This study combined three types of participatory art with teaching methods in creativity course. The effect was measured by the behavior observation in class and preference ranking of teaching methods. The findings could provide a reference for sustainability education. The results were as follows. (1) The teaching method of participatory art can promote early children's understanding, curiosity, and participation. It is an effective teaching method for guiding the concept of environmental sustainability. (2) In the perspective of teaching method of participatory art, children's preference for collaborative method and guided method were more enthusiastic than creative method. (3) Early Children were very interested in operable works. Therefore, generating operational motivation and connecting course themes with their daily life experience were teaching strategies that can improve students' acceptance of participatory art.


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