  • 期刊


The Opportunities for Artistic and Design Creation in Social Movements-A Case Study of Sunflower Student Movement




In the Sunflower Social Movement, artistic creation interprets freedom and dreams, allowing people who are sad and lonely to find a catharsis to release emotional energy. Its healing power is unimaginable and it brings people extremely strong power. The participants in the student movement hope that they can truly control their own future. Have a broader vision of strive for freedom, and face this land sincerely. Taiwan's democratic consciousness has grown and improved significantly in recent years. Therefore, it is more necessary to think independently, and have the ability to distinguish and verify information. As a result, the attention of social change and migration has started. The artistic creations produced during the Sunflower Student Movement have a reflection of social observation and expression of independent thinking. Therefore, the artistic creations produced during the Sunflower Student Movement have a reflection of social observation and expression of independent thinking to some extent. Through text analysis and semiotic perspectives. This research through content analysis and semiotic. Explores the interpretation of creators' ideas for the expression of artistic design works produced by the Sunflower Student Movement, and discovers from the expression of political discourse that conveys emotions as image symbols in artistic design. The creator must truly connect with the pulse of society and reflect the actual value of the current situation in order to make the artistic creation have a vigorous effect. This research hope that designers can also imitate artistic creation and cross the comfort zone of self-satisfaction. Observe social pulsations and care for Taiwan. Rethinking the connection between history and events for society through design.


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吳承紘。The News Lens 關鍵評論網。【厭世代】低薪、貧窮與看不見的未來:我們現在在哪裡?2020 年 4 月 10 日。取自 https://www.thenewslens.com/feature/millenial-angst/66952
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吳莉君譯(2010)。觀看的視界(原著作者:John Berger)(p.262)。臺北:麥田。
