  • 期刊


The Research of Narrative Framework in Pixar Film Posters


根據美國電影協會(MPA)的調查,台灣以世界排名第17名的電影觀賞次數,相較人口世界排名僅第56名的落差,可知台灣人民對於電影的觀賞比例之高,無論性別、年齡等社會經濟背景,大部分的民眾都會觀賞電影,作為日常的娛樂消遣。而皮克斯動畫工作室(Pixar Animation Studios)的動畫電影至今累計140億美元的票房,且皮克斯電影都曾進入電影票房收入前50名,由於觀眾對於動畫世界的陌生感,在篇幅有限的情況,如何完整地呈現虛擬世界觀,更成為動畫電影建立敘事框架的重要性。本文研究目的:(一)、藉由廣告敘事框架,探討皮克斯電影海報元素。(二)、分析皮克斯電影海報,語言符號與非語言符號的關係。樣本由皮克斯動畫工作室出品的22件作品的海報作為取樣,以廣告敘事框架作為內容分析的基礎理論,研究結果顯示:(一)、動畫電影海報皆以圖文敘事為主。(二)、系列電影之動畫角色多元普遍全球票房位居高位。(三)、海報敘事手法多以主要角色搭配故事發源地為重。


According to the survey of Motion Picture Association, Taiwan ranks 17th in the world of movie viewing times. Compared with the population of Taiwan, the proportion of watching movies in Taiwan is high. Regardless of gender, age and other social economic backgrounds, most people watch movies as their daily entertainments. At present, Pixar Animation Studios has made a total of 14 billion US dollars in box office, and Pixar films have entered the top 50 box office receipts. Due to the audience's unfamiliar feelings to the animation world, how to completely present the virtual world view in the limited space has become the importance of establishing a narrative framework for animated films. The purpose of this paper is:(1)To explore the poster elements of Pixar Films through the narrative framework of advertisements.(2)Analyzing Pixar movie posters and the relationship between linguistic symbols and non-verbal symbols. The samples are 22 posters which were produced by Pixar Animation Studio, and the advertising narrative framework is used as the basic theory of content analysis. The research results show that:(1)Animation film posters are mainly with graphic narration.(2)The series of the animation characters are diversified, and their rank in global box office is high.(3)The narration techniques of posters focus on main characters and original places of stories.


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