  • 期刊


Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Its Vertical Distribution in Adjacent Natural Broadleaf Forest, Japanese Cedar Plantation, and Bamboo Forest in Xitou Area, Central Taiwan


森林土壤有機碳的聚積不僅對森林生態系的碳與養分的儲存與循環相當重要,更是導致全球氣候變化的關鍵性生態過程。本研究選取環境條件相同之溪頭鳳凰山之天然闊葉林及與之毗鄰之柳杉人工林及竹林做為試驗地,評估未經人為干擾之天然林與人工經營之柳杉人工林與竹林之土壤有機碳儲存量(Soil organic carbon storage)及其垂直分布。三種林相0-50 cm土壤累積之有機碳儲存量為天然林 > 竹林 > 柳杉林(154 ± 16.3 Mg C ha^(-1) > 151 ± 28.4 Mg C ha^(-1) > 142 ± 4.73 Mg C ha^(-1)),三種林相之有機碳儲存量僅有些微差異。天然闊葉林及竹林土壤剖面之有機碳儲存量皆由上至下遞減。柳杉林可能因枯枝落葉分解速率較慢,致使0-5 cm及5-10 cm土壤之有機碳儲存量低於天然林及竹林。柳杉林10- 30 cm之土壤碳儲存量高於天然闊葉林及竹林,這可能是因為柳杉根部較粗,且於土壤剖面中之垂直分布較天然林及竹林之植物根部較深且較廣,而將有機碳帶入較深土層所致。三個林相中底層土壤(30-50 cm)雖然有機碳含量明顯較表層土壤(0-30 cm) 低,但是由於總體密度較大,因此底層土壤中所累積的碳對於有機碳儲存量之貢獻仍不可忽視。


Adjacent Japanese cedar plantation, bamboo forest, and natural broadleaf forest of Mt. Fenghuang of Xitou area in central Taiwan were selected as the study sites for estimating the effect of different vegetations on soil carbon storage and its vertical distribution. Soil organic carbon (SOC) storage within 50 cm soils were 154 ± 16.3 Mg C ha^(-1), 151 ± 28.4 Mg C ha^(-1), and 142 ± 4.73 Mg C ha^(-1) respectively for natural broadleaf forest, bamboo forest, and Japanese cedar plantation. Natural broadleaf forest soil has the highest SOC storage; however, SOC storage differences among the three vegetations were not significant. SOC storage within 50 cm soils under natural broadleaf forest and bamboo forest increased with the increasing depth of soil. SOC storage at the depth of 0-10 cm soils under natural broadleaf forest and bamboo forest were greater than that in Japanese cedar plantation, which might be due to the slow decomposition rate of Japanese cedar litters. SOC storage at the depth of 0-30 cm soil under Japanese cedar plantation was greater than that under natural broadleaf forest and bamboo forest. The widely spread roots of Japanese cedar could introduce more carbon than natural broadleaf and bamboo into deeper soil and increase the SOC storage. In three vegetations, although the content of organic carbon in bottom soils (30-50 cm) were significantly lower than that in surface soils (0-30 cm), the contribution of high bulk density of bottom soils to increase total SOC storage couldn't be ignored.


