  • 期刊


An Empirical Study on Service Quality of Airline (Passenger) Transportation: Airlines in Taiwan



本研究係以PZB三位學者提出之服務品質衡量模式為理論架構,針對經營台北-台南航線之三家航空公司(復興、遠東及立榮)的乘客,進行國內外航線服務品質水準之實證研究。以暸解航空客運服務品質現況,期能協助航空公司提升服務品質,滿足乘客之需要,以創造經營優勢。本研究所得的主要結論如下:1.共有4個服務品質變項與整體服務品質水準間,存在顯著迴歸關係。分別為「飛機上所供應的餐點讓顧客感到滿意」、「服務人員服裝儀容整潔」、「使顧客感受到公司重視飛航安全」、「訂位與劃位手續簡便」等4個服務品質變項對整體服務品質水準影響程度最大,並達顯著水準。2.乘客對航空公司服務品質的期望水準存在顯著差異,而且乘客自各航空公司實際感受到的服務品質水準亦有明顯的差別。整體而言,乘客對各航空公司服務品質的評價多不相同,在問卷中所列大部份的服務項目呈現明顯之差異。3.乘客對航空公司各服務項目的期望與實際感受程度間有著明顯的差距,且普遍未能達到期望的水準。4.服務品質項目經由因素分析,結果共萃取出兩個因素構面,命名為「服務保證」及「實體可靠」兩個因素構面。5.本研究經實證分析發現,乘客對各航空公司之整體認知服務品質均為負值,顯示各航空公司在服務品質的表現,不符合顧客的期望,亟應致力改善服務品質,以滿足顧客需求。各航空公司整體服務品質優劣之排序分別為長榮(台北-澳門)、立榮(台北-台南)、遠東(台北-蘇比克)、復興(台北- 澳門)、復興(台北-台南)、遠東(台北- 台南)航空公司。大體言之,各航空公司國際線整體服務表現優於其國內線。由於各航空公司的成立歷史、背景環境及本身具備之優劣勢不同,致使各項服務品質的表現互異,各航空公司應針對個別潛在之競爭劣勢及表現欠佳之服務項目,研擬改善對策。本研究建議業者應提高工作效率以增加競爭優勢、加強員工教育訓練以提升員工素質、灌輸服務行銷理念以改善服務態度,如此才能藉由服務品質的提升,增強企業競爭力。


服務品質 航空公司 PZB模式


This is an empirical study based on a service quality measurement model proposed by PZB in order to have a clear understanding of the present airline service quality, and, in the hope that it helps improve the service standard, meet the needs of passengers and have airlines survive well. Data is collected from three different airlines, which have regular Taipei-Tainan flights (Far Eastern Air Transport, TransAsia Airways, and Uni Air). The main findings in the study are as follows :1. Of the overall service standards, 4 variables show a salient mode of regression. They are good in-flight meals and catering, outfit and appearance of flight attendants, flight security, convenient check-in and reservation procedures. 2. Great differences exist in passengers' expectations of the service quality. So do the in-flight experiences passengers have had in different airlines. Generally, passengers' estimation of the service items on the questionnaire vanes to a great extent.3. A significant gap exists between passengers' expectations of each service item and the in-flight experiences. Most of the expectations have not yet been lived up to.4. Two parameters are derived from the service quality. They are service guarantee and service reliability.5. Under an empirical analysis; it's found that passengers hold negative views toward the overall service quality. Great efforts should be made for improvement and satisfaction of the needs. The service quality rankings go like this: Eva Air (Tainan-Macao), Uni Air (Taipei-Tainan), Far Eastern Air Transport (Taipei-Subic), TransAsia Ariways (Taipei-Macao), TransAsia Airways (Taipei-Tainan), and Far Eastern Air Transport (Taipei-Tainan). Generally, international flights perform better than domestic ones.Differences in each airline's history, background and advantages lead to variation of service quality. Efforts should be made to make up for each demerit and poor service item. In this study, it's suggested that only with the lifting of work efficiency, training programs for the staff and the promotion of the idea service marketing can airline companies have competitive superiority.


Service Quality Airline PZB Model


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