  • 期刊

Psychological Distress and Its Predictors among Subjects Admitted at the China Medical College Hospital for Physical Examination



隨著社會快速變遷,心理及精神疾病之盛行率愈來愈高,根據國外研究顯示求醫民眾之精神疾病盛行率較其他人口為高,因此本研究之主要日的為探討何種因子能解釋健檢民眾心理及精神健康狀態之變化,以提供臨床醫師之早期診斷與治療。於1996年7月至1997年6月前來中國醫藥學院健檢之多之三名民眾將被納為本研究之參與者,每位參與者填寫一份標準化之台大症狀量(Taita Symptom Checklist [TSCL])、人口因于、生活事件及前來健檢動機及目的之間卷,台大症狀量表為評估心理與精神健康狀態,於本樣本中其內部一致性(Cronbach's alpha coefficient)為0.94,其中共376位完成所有項目,完成率為力72.03%。本研究使用t檢定、變異數分析及相關係數來檢定各人口因子、生活事件、健檢動機和心理與精神健康狀態之相關,最後以複迴歸方程式來建立心理與精神健康狀態之預估模式。研究結果顯示年齡和工作狀態及性別和婚姻狀態有顯著之交互作用,而生活事件則和心理與精神健康狀態有顯著之獨立效應,隨著生活事件增加,心理與精神健康狀態則愈不佳,健檢動機為因有病後想暸解其他身體部位之狀況者有最差之心理與精神健康狀態,其次分別為閃有病徵為求診斷及怕有病而前來者,定期健檢者有最佳之心理與精神健康狀態,本研究所建立複迴歸預估模式可解釋24.69%前來健檢民眾心理與精神健康狀態之變異。


Previous studies have found that the prevalence of psychological morbidity was much higher in a population attending a health screening than in a community. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to explore important predictors of psychological distress among subjects admitted for physical examination so that effective strategies to identify subjects with mental distress can be developed. The study sample consisted of 522 consecutive patients admitted to the China Medical College Hospital for health examination program from July 1996 to June 1997. All subjects were given self-administered questionnaires to collect sociodemographic data, goal for check-up, life events, and psychological distress. Only 376 subjects completed all items with a overall completion rate of 72.03%. Taita Symptom Checklist was used to assess the subjects' psychological distress, with an internal consistency at 0.94. Statistical analysis applied in this study were t-test, ANOVA with Scheffe pairwise comparison, Spearman correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression. Our results showed that gender and marital status, and age and occupation had significantly interactive effects on psychological distress. Life event and goal for check-up had significantly independent effects on psychological distress. Subjects who had hypochondria, non-specific symptoms, and existing disorders had higher levels of psychological distress than those who had regular check-ups.
