

背景:球狀血管瘤是一罕見良性腫瘤。典型的表現為於肢體深皮層有藍紅色疼痛結節,且好發於指頭甲床下。從1991年6月至2001年1月共十例球狀血管瘤接受手術切除。 方法:回顧十位接受手術切除且經由病理證實為球狀血管瘤病例。共四位男性,六位女性。平均54.4歲(從33至72歲)。回述性分析這些病例之臨床發現、表徵、位置、大小、X光、磁核共振、術前診所,以及術後追蹤。 結果:其中九人位於手,位置如下:甲床下,六人;指腹,一人;手掌,一人;指骨,一人(骨髓內球狀血管瘤)。最後一人位於左膝。症狀持續平均為2.7年。十位病人均有疼痛、壓痛,但只有五位病人對冷敏感。多發性及術後複發性球狀血管瘤沒有發現。共三位病人接受磁核共振檢查,均於T1下為低訊號,T2為高訊號。平均大小為0.74公分×0.56公分×0.5公分。 結論:診斷罕見球狀血管瘤是基於臨床發現。治療球狀血管瘤依賴於精確定位腫瘤之所在且完整移除它。磁核共振檢查可精確定位腫瘤之所在。




Background: Glomus tumors are rare benign tumors which typically present as painful, bluered nodules in the deep dermis of the extremities with a predilection for the subungual region of the fingers. Herein, we review 10 cases of glomus tumors treated from June 1991 to January 2001. Methods: We studied the case histories of 10 patients who underwent surgical treatment of pathology-proven glomus tumors of the extremities. There were 4 males and 6 females (age range: 33 -72; average: 54.4 years). A retrospective analysis of these cases included clinical notes, symptoms, locations, sizes, X-ray, MRI, pre-operative diagnoses and post-operative followups. Results: All of the glomus tumors were located in hand except for one case. The region and number of cases were as follows: subungual, six; pulp, one; palm, one; intraosseous glomus tumor in the middle phalanx, one; and one in left knee. The average duration of symptoms was 2.7 years (range: 1-5years). All patients experienced pain and tenderness, and five of them had sensitivity to cold. There were no multiple glomus tumors nor tumor recurrences in this series. MRI examinations showed low signal intensity on Tl- and high signal intensity on T2-weighted images of three patients. The average tumor size was 0.74cm × 056cm × 0.5cm. Conclusions: Glomus tumors can be diagnosised by clinical findings only. The symptomatic tumor can then be treated by excision. Successful treatment of glomus tumor is dependent on complete removal, and MRI examination will assist the surgeon to accurately locate the tumor.


glomus tumor


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