  • 期刊


Prevalence of Smoking, Alcohol Consumption, Betel Nut Chewing and Illicit Drug Use among Adolescents in Taiwan


目的 調查台灣地區國中、高中、高識在校青少年藥物使用、吸菸、喝酒及嚼檳榔不良健康行為這盛行率。 方法 調查對象將學校分為國中、高中、高職三個層次,採用等比率機率抽樣(proportional probability sampling)原則,抽出國中78所、高中22所、高職23所,共計123所,每所學校每一年級各抽一班。以郵寄問卷方式寄至各學校,並由訪視員向同學說明解釋每個問題後,以班級集體問卷填答。 結果 問卷完成學生有12327名(回應率為99.6%)。共有194位學生自填曾吸食或注射藥物,用藥盛行率為1.6%,其中以高職組學生藥物使用盛行率為2.7%最高,高中組1.0%最低。有29.4%的藥物使用者同時有吸菸、喝酒、嚼檳榔不良健康行為,其中以高職用藥者為最高(32.4%);至於沒有藥物使用者同時有這三項不良健康行為的只占2.3%。在藥物使用者與非藥物使用者皆以吸菸、喝酒為能多,同時有兩項不良健康行為者分別占29.9%與4.5%。可見曾有藥物使用青少年者中有吸菸、喝酒與嚼檳榔的不良健康行為比例遠高於非藥物使用青少年之比例。 結論 台灣地區目前青少年有吸菸、喝酒與嚼檳榔及藥物使用的不良行為之比例均較過去略為增加。因此對於青少年藥物濫用的防制,應配合學校菸、酒的防制教育,強化家庭功能,並做好藥物濫用的衛教宣導,以增進藥物濫用防制之成效。


青少年 吸菸 喝酒 嚼食檳榔 藥物使用 盛行率


Purpose. To investigate the prevalence of smoking, alcohol consumption, betel nut chewing and illicit drug use among adolescents in Taiwan. Methods. Participants were selected from the Taiwan Ministry of Education database. The level of urbanization (seven categories) and three levels of education (junior high, senior high and vocational schools) were used as criteria in stratifying the sample. Results. The prevalence of illicit drug use was about twice as high for boys (2.1%) as for girls (1.1%). Smoking, alcohol consumption and betel nut chewing were coexistent among adolescents. Whereas 29.4% of the students who had experience with illicit drugs also reported having smoked, drunk alcohol and chewed betel nut, only 2.3% of the students who reported never having used illicit drugs also reported experience with these three behaviors. Only 17.5% of students who had used illicit drugs reported never having smoked, drunk alcohol or chewed betel nut compared with 78.5% of students who had never used illicit drugs. Use of illicit drugs among adolescents significantly correlated with cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and betel nut chewing. Conclusions. The use of illicit drugs, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and betel nut chewing is prevalent among adolescents in Taiwan. Drug education and prevention programs in the school should be promoted to reduce the use of illicit drugs, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and betel nut chewing among adolescents.


