  • 學位論文


Factors Associated with the Efficacy of Junior High School Students Advising Smokers "Not to Smoke"

指導教授 : 李蘭


目的:瞭解國中學生勸父母與朋友之勸誡效能,並進一步找出影響勸誡效能之相關因素。 方法:採立意取樣之方式選取台北市一所國中進行調查,再透過隨機取向之方式抽選七、八、九年級各三分之一的班級共827位學生進行問卷調查,扣除填寫不完整之問卷後,有效問卷共741份。透過問卷的方式,瞭解學生設想在遇見家人與同學吸菸的情形下,會勸這些人不吸菸之把握程度,並透過多元羅吉斯迴歸找出影響勸誡效能之相關因素。 結果:將741份問卷統計後顯示:若勸誡對象為父母,拒菸態度、勸誡經驗、父親教育程度、母親教育程度、父親支持程度與母親支持程度是影響研究樣本勸誡父母不吸菸效能之因子;若勸誡對象為朋友,則性別、拒菸態度、勸誡經驗、父親教育程度、父親吸菸與父親支持是影響研究樣本勸朋友不吸菸效能之因子。 建議:1.將勸誡行為納入衛教課程中,並透過實際演練提升學生的勸誡效能;2.對吸菸父親進行的戒菸教育中,強調父親之吸菸行為對兒女帶來的負向影響;3.親職教育中,加強教導父母給予孩子支持的重要性及其對國中生勸誡效能的影響。


勸誡 效能 吸菸 社會支持 國中生


Purpose: To understand the efficacy of junior high school students toward advising their parents or friends not to smoke, and to explore the factors associated with the advising efficacy. Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used in this study. Sampling techniques were purposive and random. We chose a junior high school in Taipei purposively, and selected one third classes from grade 7 to grade 9 in a randomized trial. 827 students were invited to finish an anonymous questionnaire, which was designed to measure the advising efficacy by asking how sure they would advise their parents/ friends if they see them smoking, and 741 students complete the questionnaire. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the outcome, trying to find out the factors associated with the advising efficacy. Results: When it comes to advise junior high school students’ parents, attitude toward anti-smoking, advising experience, father's educational attainment, mother's educational attainment, support from parents are factors which will influence the efficacy of advising their parent. When it comes to advise junior high school students’ friends, gender, attitude toward anti- smoking, advising experience, father's educational attainment, father’s smoking status, support from father are the factors which are associate with efficacy of advising smoking friends. Recommendation: 1.In order to enhance the efficacy of junior high school students, health educators should put advising others not to smoke in to regular class, and take the techniques of advising in to practice. 2. Put emphasis on how fathers' smoking behavior would influence their children not only on health but also advising others not to smoke during the smoking cessation classes. 3. In parent education, put more emphasis on the importance of parents support toward their children and how it would influence the efficacy of their children to advise others not to smoke.


