  • 期刊


A Comparison on Solution Strategies for the Real-time Pickup and Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem


本研究建立一模擬模式,在滾動平面(Rolling Horizon)法架構下比較文獻中常用的兩種即時具時窗限制的收送貨路線問題(Real-Time Pickup and Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, RT-PDVRPTW)之求解策略:固定時間間隔更新與批次更新。這兩種求解策略不同之處在於前者的滾動週期長度固定,後者的滾動週期長度則視動態需求抵達的頻率而定。本研究在所建立的模擬系統中,探討不同需求點空間分佈情形、臨時需求發生頻率,與不同批次處理量、路線更新週期對於這兩種求解策略求解品質的影響。此一系統化的比較分析,將有助於瞭解這兩種更新策略於不同情境下的適用性,以提供後續研究發展混合型求解策略之依據,並作為宅配物流業者推動商用車輛營運智慧化的參考。


Various solution algorithms have been proposed in the literature for solving the real-time vehicle routing problem. Most of them adopted the solution strategy of either batch updating or fixed-time-interval updating, while none of them intended to compare the performance of the two strategies. This study develops a simulation model to perform a systematic comparison of the two strategies in solving the real-time pickup and delivery (routing) problem with time windows (RT-PDPTW). The numerical results show that, in most cases, the batch updating mode provides better performance, while the solution quality of the fixed-time-interval updating mode is more stable.
