  • 期刊


A Vision-based Embedded Nighttime Driver Assistance and Surveillance System


本論文主要在於發展一套以電腦視覺技術為基礎的嵌入式夜間駕駛安全輔助與監控系統,藉由架設於汽車擋風玻璃後之視訊擷取裝置,即時獲取前方路況以及車輛影像,並且以一系列電腦視覺技術加以分析處理,以提供對於夜間行車輔助所需的車輛偵測、辨識、前方路況分析與判斷、事件偵測、行車視訊監控記錄、與即時行車事件視訊傳輸等各項技術模組,並整合實現於一套異質ARM-DSP多處理器核心之嵌入式系統平台上。本套系統之主要功能如:1. 利用影像切割、物件辨識與相對運動分析技術,有效分析與判斷前方路況。2. 藉由影像壓縮、無線傳輸,已達到即時遠端記錄功能。3. 軟體系統模組化設計,達到往後擴充功能的便利性與加強功能的擴充性。4. 整合實現於異質ARM-DSP多處理器核心嵌入式系統平台上,達到低成本、高效能的夜間駕駛輔助系統。


This study develops an intelligent vision-based nighttime driver assistance and surveillance system (VIDASS system), release them as embedded software components, and as well as implement this component-based system on an embedded multi-core platform. For this purpose, we will develop and implement the computer vision techniques for the road-scene frames in front of the host car, which are grabbed from the CCD cameras mounted in the vehicle. These vision-based technologies will be integrated and implemented on an ARM-DSP multi-core embedded platform, as well as the peripheral devices, including image grabbing devices, 3G/3.5G mobile communication module, and other in-vehicle control devices, are also integrated to accomplish an in-vehicle embedded vision-based nighttime driver assistance and surveillance system. Accordingly, our system is expected to provide the following functional features: 1) Effective detection and analysis road environment based on image segmentation, object recognition and motion analysis. 2) Providing real-time remote record capability by using video compression and wireless transmission technology. 3) Configurable software framework to achieve the extension of the convenience and scalability. 4) Developing a low-cost and high performance night driving assistance system by integration and implementation on a heterogamous multi-processor (ARM-DSP core) embedded system platform.
