  • 期刊


Spain's Policy and Achievement in the European Union


回顧歷史,西班牙申請加入歐體談判相當冗長。1962年,西班牙初次提出入會申請,因西歐內部反佛朗哥獨裁統治的政治因素而被拒絕。西班牙對歐體經貿的依賴促使雙方於1970年達成貿易優惠協定,著手建立關稅同盟。直到1975年佛朗哥逝世,西班牙政治步入民主化,入會申請才獲得歐體善意回應,最終在1986年順利加入歐體。 西班牙加入歐體象徵該國結束孤立,重新回到歐洲主流,不但成為歐體主要核心支持者,同時帶動其對外政策的轉變。本文以西班牙對歐洲聯盟政策做為問題取向,並進一步就歐盟近年來廣化與深化議題,分析西班牙加入歐體後之政策與作為:第一部分探討第二次世界大戰後西班牙民主化時期對外關係之轉變,釐清西班牙對歐政策的制約因素。焦點集中在西班牙民主化時期「歐化」過程,並進而分析西班牙加入歐體後之政經意涵。第二部分敘述歐盟第五次擴大,從政、經兩個面向,分析西班牙對歐盟東擴之立場與作為。第三部分討論歐盟制憲議題,從2003年羅馬「政府間會議」中評估西班牙之立場以及後續影響。


From the historical point of view, the Process of entry for Spain was long and difficult. Its first steps being taken in 1962, but the request was refused because of the EC’s attitude to the dictatorship of Franco. In 1970, a preferential agreement was reached between Spain and European Community (EC). The agreement was based on reciprocity and designed to a custom union. After the death of Franco in 1975, Spain applied again for full membership of EC and, finally, entered the family in 1986. The accession to EC signifies the end of Spain’s isolation and its return to mainstream Europe. Spain not only succeeded in becoming a key player in the EC, but also entirely reshaped its external relations policies. This article examines the Spain’s policy in the European Union (EU), above all, in the cases of EU enlargement and Constitutional debates. The context is divided into three parts: the first part refers the reorientation of the Spain´s foreign policy interests during its democratization, namely the shift from an isolationist policy line to a greater focus on the European politic and economic context. Secondly, Spain’s standpoint and achievement in the case of the EU fifth enlargement will be analyzed. The third part discusses the EU Constitution from the Spain’s viewpoint in Rome intergovernmental conference in 2003.


張立(2014)。義大利在歐盟擴大政策之角色: 以克羅埃西亞加入歐盟為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00340
