  • 學位論文

義大利在歐盟擴大政策之角色: 以克羅埃西亞加入歐盟為例

Italy in EU Enlargement Policy: the case of accession process of Croatia

指導教授 : 張孟仁
共同指導教授 : 郭秋慶


義大利是歐洲統合的重要推動者,是歐盟的創始會員國之一,同時也是歐洲貨幣體系會員,其政治、經濟背景如何因應歐盟的擴大政策,就經濟利益而言,從歐洲統合至今,義大利對歐洲來說,利益走向似乎是漸趨於負擔大於加值,反而觀之,歐洲統合對義大利來說究竟是避風港,加值作用高、利大於弊,還是災難的開始;外交關係上,義大利對歐洲來說,是相當重要的一環,一方面義大利在地緣關係上,與北非國家像是利比亞,因為有殖民歷史,比其他歐盟國家關係更來得緊密,與位在巴爾幹半島上的中東歐國家,更是有深厚難解的關係,義大利曾經在二次世界大戰與德國共組軸心國同盟,入侵南斯拉夫並瓜分土地,因此在當今的巴爾幹半島上,可以看到相當多的義大利人分散於各國,另外,就地理因素來看,義大利與克羅埃西亞僅一海之隔,陸上交通更是相當方便,因此本文將探討兩國的關係,是否能夠成為歐盟地中海國家與中東歐國家關係上的一個縮影。 本論文將從各面向探討義大利身為歐盟創始會員國,在歐盟擴大過程中有哪些因素牽動著義大利國內政策輸出、以及外交政策走向,在衡量國內利益下,進而影響歐盟對外關係上的決策,進而分析歐盟擴大之下新舊會員國所產生的衝突,義大利如何因應、調解。


Abstract: Italy is an important supporter of European integration, it’s also one of the founding members of EU, and one of the members of the European Monetary System. This paper will be aiming at how Italy’s political, economic background effect on EU enlargement policy, in terms of Croatia’s accession to the EU. First of all, it will describe the economic and political situation of Italy after World War II, and how Italy benefits from the European integration, and how Italy join EU to realize the concept of European integration. Second, it will focus on the Italian geopolitical relations with the Balkans and Eastern European countries to see how Italy effects EU Enlargement Policy and external relations especially from the fifth enlargement in 2004 of EU and after. Third, it take Croatia’s accession to the EU as an example to see Italy’s role and how it choose between its own interests and EU’s benefit. This paper will focus on how EU’s old member state try to affect candidate country during the process of accession, and it take Italy and Croatia as examples, to see the output of domestic policies in both countries, as well as their foreign policy towards the EU enlargement process, and how Croatia modify their domestic policy in order to be in accordance with EU.


