  • 期刊

Skeletal ClassⅡ Case with Three Incisors Treated by Unusual Extraction Orthodontics



本病例為成人病患,主訴上顎暴牙,臨床發現為二級第一分類之骨性二級異常咬合,上顎骨性與齒性前突,下顎齒性前突,下顎右側門齒先天缺失,以及上下顎牙齒擁擠。進行固定矯正裝置治療之前,拔牙除了左右側上顎第一小臼齒之外,考慮對稱性的緣故,也拔除了下顎左側門齒,在關閉拔牙空隙之後,如預期的仍為二級異常咬合,接著拔除兩側上顎第一大臼齒,使用Dr. Root建議的關閉大臼齒拔牙空隙方法,整體治療方式採用Tweed-Merrifield technique,也使用J-hook headgear與class Ⅱ elastics,結果獲得良好的牙齒咬合與顏面外貌。


This is a case report of an adult male with chief complaint of maxillary protrusion. He presented with Class II, Division I malocclusion with crowding of both arches. Upper dental and skeletal protrusion and lower dental protrusion with lower three incisors showed in this severe skeletal Class II malocclusion. He was treated with Tweed-Merrifield edgewise appliance and extraction of the maxillary first premolars, mandibular central incisor and maxillary first molars. The first molar extraction spaces were closed with the excellent mechanics as suggested by Dr. Root. After treatment the crowding of both arches was corrected. Good occlusion was achieved. The facial photos showed a good profile.
