  • 期刊


Anchorage Control by Temporary Anchorage Devices for Asymmetric-Extraction Treatment of Bimaxillary Dentoalveolar Protrusion-A Case Report


本病例為一成年男性,有三級異常咬合及上下顎門齒前突合併下齒列中線偏移之情形。其治療計劃為:(1)不對稱拔牙(包括上顎兩側第一小臼齒及下顎左側第一大臼齒),(2)暫時性錨定裝置(temporary anchorage device, TAD)提供前牙後退及改正下齒列中線時之絕對錨定控制,(3)跨腭弧線(transpalatal arch)幫助上顎後牙之torque control。經過一年八個月的治療,結果穩定且良好:上下門齒分別後縮6.5mm(U1-APo)及4.5mm(L1-APo)且無後牙錨定喪失、唇部輪廓改善且下頦mentalis muscle strain減輕、齒列中線對正、臼齒關係達到安格氏一級咬合(右側)及二級咬合位置(左側)。


This case was an adult male patient with Class Ⅲ malocclusion, bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion and lower dental midline deviation. Treatment planning was described as below: (1) asymmetric extraction of upper bliateral first premolars and lower left first molar, (2) absolute anchorage control by temporary anchorage devices (TAD) for anterior teeth retraction and correction of dental midline deviation, (3) transpalatal arch for torque control of upper posterior teeth. Treatment time was one year and eight months. The results were satisfied and stable, including great improvements of bimaxillary protrusion of incisors and lip profile of the patient, coincident dental midlines, and Angle Class Ⅰ (right side) and Class Ⅱ molar relation (left side) were achieved.
