  • 期刊

拔牙與不拔牙治療Angle Class Ⅱ division 2咬合不正顱面結構變化的初步研究

Craniofacial Changes Associated with Extraction and Non-extraction of Angle Class Ⅱ Division 2 Malocclusion




Orthodontic treatment of class Ⅱ division 2 malocclusion is known to be complicated. Many researches had been launched to study non-extraction treatment of Angle Class Ⅱ division 2, but there is hardly few research about extraction of Angle Class Ⅱ division 2 malocclusion. This study was undertaken to compare craniofacial changes of skeletal, dental, and soft-tissue variables, and to assess Class Ⅱ division 2 malocclusions treated with either 4 premolars extraction or non-extraction therapy by means of lateral cephalograms. The sample consisted of 43 Chinese adolescents (11 extraction, 32 non-extraction). Through comparing the results with extraction group and non-extraction group, we concluded that: 1. Compared with non-extraction group, extraction group presents steep mandibular plane, sagittal posterior mandible position, proclined lower incisors at the pre-treatment stage. Besides, the soft tissue profile of extraction group is more convex than non-extraction group. 2. During active treatment: (1) The upper and lower incisors are more protrusive in non-extraction group. (2) Having taken into account the effects of growth, duration of treatment, choice of treatment, and treatment mechanics, we find that non-extraction treatment is associated with a downward and backward rotation of the mandible, but extraction treatment presents a forward and upward rotation of the mandible. 3. This study suggests: we should take extraction treatment when the Angle Class Ⅱ division 2 malocclusion patient has steep mandibular plane and severe crowding, however, if an Angle Class Ⅱ division 2 malocclusion patient has flat mandibular plane and mild crowding, non-extraction should be taken into consideration.
