  • 期刊


Writing about Trauma: Reconstructing the Psychosocial Healing Experiences of the 9-21 Earthquake Survivors in Taiwan


本研究以筆者親自參與心理救災工作的田野反思為發韌基軸,藉由田野觀察、深度訪談、社會建構式紮根法與解釋性互動論取徑,探討「九二一」受創者心理社會療癒經驗結構。本研究時程於「九二一」地震發生一週年到兩週年間,在中部某受創嚴重的鄉鎮,筆者共親自訪談二十位受創者,每位受創者接受訪談次數至少一次。研究發現。受創者面臨突如其來的地震災難後,其生命軌道與存活義理從此鑲嵌了「主顯節」意義的關鍵轉捩經驗。 透過敘說文本組識脈絡的描述與概念的抽繹組合,可知「九二一」地震發生後一年至兩年間,受創者心理社會療癒經驗的普遍性結構,呈現「空間的崩坍」(無法預期與承受的生命之重)、「自我的瓦解」(昔我與今我的對張抗衡)、「身體的規限」(尋找心身槓桿的平衡支點)、「時間的補綴」(再部署未來的棋局)與「世界的重建」(轉化災難經驗的意義)等異質並置現象,這樣的多重心理結構,鉤連著「自我存有」與「生活世界」互動關係的瓦解與回復之歷程。 回到「再脈絡化」的場域,發現這五類普遍性心理社會療癒經驗結構的背後,呈顯個別差異性,涉及「理知」與「無知」、「日常」與「極端」、「常態」與「情節」、「現實」與「幻象」、「重立」與「倒塌」等差異狀態。再交叉比照筆者的田野筆記與現場觀察,可知此類對張結構的深層意涵,正映射著個體受創後臨現著生活上的尋求改變或維持恆定之動態轉化歷程。進一步說,統攝本研究結果的核心理路,可以借用「意向弧」的概念,當災難降臨時,也是意向弧癱瘓的狀態。由此,災難的心理社會重建意涵,也就在於促使個體重新返回活現空間,重構在世存有的關係。


生活世界 社會建構 創傷


Psychosocial reactive experiences and coping strategies of survivors of the 9-21 earthquake, the largest in Taiwan's recent history, were explored through participant observation, depth interviews, interpretive interaction, and social construction grounded methodology. Twenty people were interviewed at least once at a disaster site in central Taiwan over a one year period that began one year after the disaster. Reactions included multiple realities, namely, collapsed spatiality, disruptive self, absent body, reorganized temporality, and reconstructed world. These dynamic structures were the manifestations of the interactive, ambivalent, and transformational relationships between the sufferers and their life-world in the post-disaster period. Individual differences in coping strategy approach behind the general structures were also found. These included reason vs. innocence, daily life vs. extreme situation, normality vs. episode, reality vs. illusion, and reconstruction vs. disruption. To recontextualize the traumatic experiences in thick description, a phenomenological view of the intentional arc, which projects a person's past, future, human environment, and physical, ideological and moral situation, was proposed. The intentional arc usually allows for unity of sensibility and motility, but it went limp when the victims suffered from the disaster. Survivors then strove to achieve new life balance between posttraumatic growth and ontological suffering. The psychosocial healing process entailed dwelling in the lived space and reconstructing the post-traumatic subjectivity through the aftermath of suffering.


life world social construction trauma


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