  • 期刊


Editor's Preface: The Praxis of Phenomenological Psychology in Taiwan


王家齊、李錦虹、張盛堂(2014):日常生活的偏離與歸返:反芻思考在憂鬱失能經驗中的角色。中華心理衛生學刊,27(2),223-251。[Wang, C. C., Lee, G. G., & Chang, S. T. (2014). Dropping out and returning to daily life: The role of depressive rumination in the experience of depression and disability. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 27 (2), 223-251. doi: 10.30074/FJMH.201406_27(2).0003]
李弘毅、林耀盛(2013):倖存作為一種生活:一位血液透析者心理經驗與關照實踐。身心障礙研究季刊,11(2),115-127。[Lee, H. I., Lin, Y. S. (2013). Survival as a way of being: Psychological experience and care praxis of a hemodialysis patient. Journal of Disability Research, 11 (2), 115-127. doi: 10.30072/JDR]
李維倫(2004b):作為倫理行動的心理治療。本土心理學研究,22,359-420。[Lee, Y. L. (2004b). Psychotherapy as an ethical act. Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, 22, 359-420. doi: 10.6254/2004.22.359]
李維倫(2017b):華人本土心理學的文化主體策略。本土心理學研究,47,3-79。[Lee, W. L. (2017b). The approaches for cultural subjectivity in Chinese indigenous psychology. Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, 47, 3-39. doi: 10.6254/2017.47.3]
李維倫(2017c):受傷的時間性:受性侵害及家庭關係斷損少女之生活經驗的存在現象學分析。中華心理學刊,59(3),145-161。[Lee, W. L. (2017c). Wounded in temporality: An existential-phenomenological analysis of the lived experience of girls with childhood sexual abuse and broken family relationship. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 59 (3), 145-161. doi: 10.6129/CJP.20170518]
