  • 期刊

The Analysis of Adult Education in Spain: CFA Josepa Massanés I Dalmau in Tarragona



本論文以成人教育為研究主軸,並以歐洲西班牙加泰隆尼亞省塔拉戈納市(Tarragona)為研究個案,首先探討的是成人教育的概念,塔拉戈納市的青年人和成年人可以藉由教育培訓的機會,提升工作職場概念、學習新知識及技能。另外,塔拉戈納市成人教育中心Josepa Massanés i Dalmau是一間公立專業的機構,提供正規成人教育及非正規教育體系的課程,該中心也針對課程及發展方向,研發出一系列的評鑑及改善方案,並相當重視互動學習過程,將成人學習與社會現況相互結合,以利學生掌控社會脈動及實現生涯學習。因此成人教育在社會發展上不僅是一個核心理念,並可從旁協助執行政府的終身教育政策。


In this article, we focus on the adult education in Tarragona of Catalonia, where personal identity is achieved actively via professional training and seeking a better balance between work and lifelong learning in the society of Spain. According to the results of the research, I discover the Adult Education Centre Josepa Massanés I Dalmau is an independent and professional institution which insists on the practical training of adult education and relates it to the labor market in the society. According to the governmental evaluation program, the adult's learning center guilds and educates people properly in a non-regular education system in Tarragona. In fact, the adult education is a continued progress of lifelong learning in the knowledge society. The adult education is not only a core concept of development in the society but also a central means of the implementing the Government's education policy.


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