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Physicians' Knowledge and Experience Regarding the Management of Avulsed Teeth in United Arab Emirates


To assess, by means of self administrated structured questionnaire, the level of knowledge of physician with regards to the immediate emergency management of avulsed teeth. Questionnaire was sent to physicians working in private practices in the Emirates of Sharjah, Ajman and Ras-Al Khaimah. A total of 125 physicians agreed to participate. The questionnaire surveyed physicians' background, knowledge and management of tooth avulsion, and also investigated physicians' satisfaction with their knowledge and willingness to receive further education on managing avulsed teeth.More than one third of the respondents (31.2%) had 5-10 years of work experience. Around (68.0%) of the physicians prefer to refer avulsed tooth cases immediately to the dentist. None of them like to put the tooth back into the socket before referring to the dentist. When the participants were asked about the storage medium of the avulsed tooth, (42.4%) of the physician would advice to keep the tooth in normal saline, only ten respondents (8.0%) knew that milk was the correct medium of choice. Only twenty four participant (19.2%) received a professional advice on ”what to do” in cases of the avulsion of permanent tooth. Meanwhile, (83.2%) of the respondents were unsatisfied with their knowledge regarding emergency management of dental trauma. The majority (96.8%) felt that it is important to have an educational program on the management of dental trauma. Interestingly, (97.6%) of the physicians welcomed the idea of attending an education program on the emergency care for dental trauma. The findings revealed that very few physicians would provide appropriate emergency treatment for avulsed teeth. All medical staff personal need to receive simple instructions about the management of dental trauma.


Avulsed teeth management physicians
