  • 期刊


Development and Evaluation of Self-Directed Instructional Systems for Adult Learners in a WWW Learning Environment


本研究以Dick與Carey的教學系統設計模式與相關文獻為主要的理論基礎,並依據成人學習者特質與需求的分析,在全球資訊網(WWW)環境上建構一門以系統觀點研討「遠距教育理論與實務」的自我導向式課程;並在實際教學過程中,由學習者中輟率、參與程度、對教學方索的滿意與對學習的幫助程度等指標,分析設計成果的成效及呈現的問題。結果顯示學習者中輟率僅12%,遠低於英文文獻中的30至50%。多數學習者每過登入4-9次、使用1-2小時、瀏覽鄉土教材1-2次、發表1-4篇文章。學習者對於本研究所設計之成人自學式網絡教學系統多持正面評價,在「教材設計、系統功能、教學策略、學習者支援、溝通互動」等五個向度、34個題項的設計與功能感到非常滿意或滿意,也認為對其學習非常有幫助互或有幫助。其中以「線上教材設計」滿意最高, 但「教學策略設計」對學習最有幫助。「學習者支援設計」的滿意與幫助程度皆居第三,學習者封「系統功能」的滿意程度雖高於「溝通互動」的狀況,但認為後者比前者對學習較有幫助。顯示網絡課程的發展需由瞭解學習者的特質與需求著手,結合學科專家、媒體平台發展專家的技術與管理,應用教學設計的理念與策略,將教材內容融入傳送系統之中,提供學習者支援機制,並經由不斷回饋修正,才能達成高品質的網絡學習。


Based on the Dick and Carey Model of Instructional Systems Design and previous literature on the characteristics of adult learners, this study, first, developed a self-directed course entitled ”Distance Education: Theory and Practice” for adults in the WWW learning environment. The researcher, then, evaluated the effectiveness of the instructional systems with four user-based indexes: drop out rate, participation, satisfaction, and helpfulness. Twelve percent of the participants did not complete the course, which is much lower than that in previous studies. Weekly, most learners logged onto the course web site 4 to 9 times, used the systems for 1 to 2 hours, viewed on-line learning materials 1 to 2 times, and posted 4 to 9 messages. Participants reported a high degree of satisfaction and helpfulness on 34 items representing four dimensions of the web course: systems-design of online materials, teaching strategies, interaction, and systems functions. It is concluded that improvement of web courses relies on application of principles of instructional systems design such as analyzing learning needs, identifying performance objectives, using both synchronous and asynchronous interactions, and constantly revising instructional systems based on feedback.


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