  • 期刊


Exploring the Curriculum Deliberation Issue within Schools' Autonomous Development Curriculum


本文首先探討學校自主發展課程的意義與實施要件,最主要的意義是學校具備權力自主地發展學校的課程,同時培養教師的專業能力來發展課程,其實施的要件包括學習型組織的形成與行政組織的民主化,更能支持學校發展課程。然而,在發展課程的過程可能遭遇的困境與限制包括學校的生態系統固定難以改變,學校的結構難以調整等等。但我們不能等待所有條件就緒才去發展課程,應該逆向思考在實踐中學習,也就是在發展過程中學習,去做改變,最好的方法就是視學校課程發展為教師的行動研究,從課程籌劃過程中突破困境。學校發展課程的過程中,所應用的方法是課程籌劃(curriculum deliberation)。課程籌劃的意義在思考課程實踐的各種問題,存在於學校脈絡中的問題,並思考在實踐的脈絡中解決課程與教學的問題,並促使教師願意改變提昇教學品質。課程籌劃的思考層面包括道德的問題以及實踐理性的推理,同時包含團體互動產生的情感,必須倡導關懷的倫理,以支持改革的持續。課程籌劃必須仰賴學校組織及結構的支持,因此學校領導者所倡導學習文化及政治的民主氣氛非常重要。突破現有學校生態以及學校結構的種種限制,是支持課程實踐的重要步驟。如此一來,課程籌劃才能針對課程的各種層面加以思考與規劃,真正進入課程的專業對話,討論、研商、批判與修正課程的發展。課程籌劃是理論轉化到實踐的思考,促成教師轉化為教學的思考,因此,領導者必須能有轉化的能力,促成組織結構、組織氣氛與專業知識的改變,此為轉化型的課程領導。學校領導者以此為基礎,全力促成學校課程籌劃,當能成就學校自主發展課程。


This paper explores the meaning of autonomous curriculum development of school-based curriculum. First, it means the members in schools have a will to develop their school's curriculum by themselves. Second, it means empowering the teachers and enhancing their profession in curriculum design and teaching. Third, it means the schools have to reconstruct the organization and form a democratic environment. Finally, their political democracy can support teachers to design various activities of curriculum development.The schools must face the problems in their ecology and their structure. It would take too long for us to wait to find the resolutions to solve the problems. We can solve them while we are developing curriculum.The core of the whole curriculum development is curriculum deliberation. In schools, they often adopt the form of group deliberation. Everyone in the group makes decisions about the objectives, teaching materials, tests, etc. in curriculum. They have the directions in deliberation intellectually and morally. They criticize the distorted parts in curriculum, too. There can be open debate, arguement and discussion of any theme in curriculum, when particrpants treat eachother as partners and critical friends and take care to control their emotions.The leader in the school plays the very important role if the group can make the curriculum deliberation run smoothly. He must evoke the teachers participation in discussing and transforming the decision into their classrooms. Of course, the leader must deal with the problems in developing curriculum activities rationally. We can call this kind of leadership transformative curriculum leadership. It can help the school to develop curriculum deliberately. We hope the leaders in schools, especially the principals, can take this form of leadership to bring out the curriculum deliberation in their schools. Then, we can see the school make real progress in designing their curriculum and teaching.


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